Modern Sibo spoken language refers to the Sibo language that used in Chabuchar Sibo Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous District. 现代锡伯语口语指以新疆维吾尔自治区察布查尔锡伯自治县为中心使用的锡伯语。
According to the records of the historical data and ancient codes, mortgage right existed even ages ago and has a long history in China. Appearing the National Origin and National Name of he Sibo Nationality from the Successive Dynasties Ancient Books 根据有关史料和典籍记载,典权在我国早已存在,历史非常之悠久。历代古籍中透析出的锡伯族族源、族称
Besides, the white pottery from Sibo County, Shandong Province, looks very much like porcelain and is much appreciated. 除此之外,山东省淄博市白色陶器,看上去非常象瓷器,也非常受赏识。
The development of the Sibo language are featured by several stages. 锡伯语文的发展表现出几个很明显的阶段。
Based on the social linguistics theory, the paper discusses the relationships, contact and influence of the language and culture between Russia and Sibo nationality in Xinjiang, and explores the multiply characteristics of Sibo nationality due to the development and changes in its long history. 本文主要是运用社会语言学理论,探讨俄罗斯语言文化与新疆锡伯族语言文化的相互关系、接触和影响,揭示了新疆锡伯族语言文化由于历史发展变化的影响而导致的多元个性。
Anthropological Study on the Craniofacial Characteristics of Juveniles of Sibo Nationality in Liaoning Province 辽宁锡伯族青少年头面部特征的人类学研究
Influence of Russian Language and Culture on the Sibo Language and Culture in Xinjiang 俄罗斯语言文化对新疆锡伯族语言文化的影响
It is urgent to preserve, explore and utilize the Sibo language and writing scientifically so that it can play its special role thoroughly in research of linguistics, ethnology, history, sociology, religions and cultural anthropology. 对此亟待保护、开发、科学利用,从而使其在语言学、民族学、历史学、社会学、宗教学、文化人类学等多学科研究中充分发挥特殊的价值与作用。
The paper has also made a speculation that the colloquial Sibo in this area might produce a new variation in several years. 并推测若干年后,这一地区的锡伯口语会产生出一种变体。
In addition, Sibo had much in common with Mongolia, which has to do with their close association and cultural infiltration between the two groups. 另外,在文化和习俗、宗教等方面锡伯族与蒙古族具有许多共同之处,这与被科尔沁蒙古所统治有着密切的联系。也是地域相邻而文化相互渗透或影响有关系。
When the culture of innovation and the promotion of Sibo County organically combine the output of high value-added industries Sibo minzu archery, and help promote the minzu culture of Sibo County United States, while improving living quality and promote the tourism industry. 当文化创新以及察布查尔锡伯自治县推广进行有机的结合,将产出高附加价值的锡伯族民族射箭运动产业,并有助于推广察布查尔锡伯自治县的民族文化美,同时提升居民生活质量与带动观光产业。
Sibo County residents from carrying forward the traditional culture of life, the promotion of minzu characteristics connotation culture of innovation, then innovation to promote the city of Sibo County. 从察布查尔锡伯自治县居民生活中弘扬传统文化,推广有内涵有民族特色的创新文化,再以创新去推广察布查尔锡伯自治县城。
Sibo minzu archery industry is to develop a form of marketing through the packaging industry, traditions, customs and cultural assets, thus revitalizing the economy of Sibo County, sports and cultural festival organized by the development of the tourism industry. 锡伯族民族射箭运动产业则是要透过包装营销传统、风俗与文化资产发展出产业的形式,进而振兴察布查尔锡伯自治县经济,举办的体育文化节活动发展旅游产业。