She also learned opera singing, trained to be a bodyguard, rode in a motorcycle sidecar, took Zumba lessons and climbed a mountain in California all with her Facebook friends. 她还学习了歌剧演唱、接受了保镖训练、乘坐了挎斗摩托车、学习了尊巴健身舞,在加利福尼亚还爬了座山这些都是和她Facebook上的好友一起完成的。
Then the sidecar began to fall in earnest, and the remaining Death Eater shot a curse so close to Harry that he had to duck below the rim of the car, knocking out a tooth on the edge of his seat 这时,挎斗真的开始下降了,剩下的那个食死徒射出的一个魔咒离哈利太近了,他只好赶紧低头,躲到挎斗边缘的下面,结果一颗牙齿在座位上磕掉了
As they soared upward, away from the two remaining Death Eaters, Harry spat blood out of his mouth, pointed his wand at the falling sidecar, and yelled, Confringo! 他们越飞越高,甩掉了剩下的两个食死徒。哈利吐出嘴里的血,用魔杖指着下落的挎斗,喊了声:霹雳爆炸!
Harry saw the Death Eaters swerve out of sight to avoid the deadly trail of flame, and at the same time felt the sidecar sway ominously: Its metal connections to the bike had splintered with the force of acceleration. 哈利看见食死徒为了躲避致命的火焰,闪身不见了,同时他感到挎斗不祥地摇晃起来:在加速的冲力下,挎斗和摩托车的金属连接断裂了。
So great was his discomfort that he almost forgot to take a last glimpse of number four, Privet Drive; by the time he looked over the edge of the sidecar he could no longer tell which one it was. 他太难受了,几乎忘了最后再看一眼女贞路四号。等他从挎斗边缘放眼望去,已经辨认不出是哪座房子了。
Ideal for a work commute or a weekend trip up twisty roads, the NEOS remains flexible as the sidecar pod can easily be removed. 理想的工作,上下班或注册曲折道路的周末之旅,近地天体仍灵活的边三轮吊舱可以很容易地删除。
He's got that motorcycle sidecar. 他得到了一辆边三轮摩托。
Both houses must also pass a "sidecar" or "corrections" bill to capture any other provisions. 两院还要通过修正案以便通过其它条款。
The twin bar emblem on the front of the sidecar was used as a divisional symbol by Das Reich during Battle of Kursk. 摩托车侧兜上的双竖条标志是该师在库尔斯克战役时使用的。
Excellent physical conditioning is required for both the driver and the passenger in sidecar racing. 在侧三轮车赛中,车手和搭档的体力都要极好。
Sidecar motorcross is very similar to regular motorcross, but with a different type of chassis and with a team of two people riding together instead of one. 侧三轮摩托车越野赛和普通的摩托车越野赛非常相似,但是侧三轮摩托车的外形和普通摩托车不一样,它需要两个人驾驶而不是一个人。
Or better still, imagine a BMW motorcycle with a Peugeot sidecar; Mrs Merkel in leather trousers and Mr Sarkozy tagging along. 或是更贴切些,你可以想象宝马摩托车身上挂着一辆标致边车;
Among out-of-town motor vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and motorcycles with sidecar are prohibited on the roads inside the Outer Ring Road of this Municipality. 禁止外来机动车中的二轮摩托车、轻便摩托车、侧三轮摩托车在本市外环线以内的道路上行驶。