This paper reported a case of superficial siderosis of the central nervous system, manifesting like stiff-person syndrome. 该文报道一例临床表现类似僵人综合征的中枢神经系统表面含铁血黄素沉积症。
Treatment of superficial siderosis of the CNS is limited to removing the source of bleeding. 中枢神经系统表面含铁血黄素沉积症的治疗仅限于手术去除出血灶。
Aims to describe the applications, clinical features, effect of the divesting of retinal inner limiting membrane in intraocular foreign body associated with siderosis bulbi in macular. 目的描述视网膜内界膜剥离在眼内异物伴黄斑部铁锈症眼中的应用及其临床特点和效果。
Report a case of siderosis bulbi without definite ocular injury history. 报告一无明显外伤史之眼球铁质沈着症病例。
Ocular siderosis report of 21 cases. 眼铁质沉着症(附21例报告)
Methods 21 eyes of 21 patients with ocular siderosis underwent the X ray localization of intraocular foreign bodies ( IOFB) and IOFBs were removed in 18 of 21 eyes and PC IOL was implanted in 4 eyes. 方法对21例21眼眼铁质沉着症行X线眼内异物定位检查,其中18眼手术摘出异物,4例行后房型人工晶状体植入。
Misdiagnosis Causes of the Ocular Siderosis ( with clinical analysis for 34 cases) 眼球铁锈症的误诊原因(附34例临床分析)
Conclusions Ocular siderosis has a severe damage to visual functions and visual improvement is not satisfactory after operation. 结论眼铁质沉着症对视功能损害严重,术后视力改善不理想。
Clinical observation in the traumatic cataract with siderosis 外伤性白内障合并眼铁质沉着症的临床观察
Methods: Sixteen cases of siderosis were examined with UBM and the data ware analyzed, compared with the data of X-ray and the record of operation. 方法:应用UBM对16例眼铁质沉着症患者进行检查,分析UBM图像,同时与X线眼眶照片检查结果及手术结果进行对照。
Application of divesting retinal inner limiting membrane in intraocular foreign body associated with siderosis bulbi in macular 视网膜内界膜剥除在眼内异物伴黄斑部铁锈症的应用
Cognitive and social impairments in patients with superficial siderosis 表浅性铁质沉积症患者认知功能和社交能力障碍
The Characteristics of Ultrasound Biomicroscopy Images of Siderosis 超声生物显微镜在眼铁质沉着症检查中的应用
? Methods 10 eyes of 10 patients with ocular siderosis underwent the X ray localization of intraocular foreign bodies ( IOFBs). 方法对因眼内异物引起的10例(10眼)眼铁质沉着症进行X线眼内异物定位检查,2例采用巩膜外磁性试验后牵引至睫状体平坦部吸出;
Clinical analysis of siderosis bulbi 眼球铁质沉着征临床分析
The characteristics of UBM images of foreign bodies displayed high and strong reflectivity with ultrasonic shadow, while the UBM image of siderosis showed multiple high and strong spot-like, speckled or thread-like shadows without "tails". UBM显示异物图像为高强反射声影,有超声伪影,铁质沉着症的UBM图像特征为多发性点状、斑片状或线状高强回声、无超声伪影。
Observation on Retinal Siderosis in Rabbit Eyes 兔眼视网膜铁锈症的实验观察
Purpose: To evaluate the characteristics of ultrasound biomicroscopy ( UBM) image and the rate of positiveness of diagnosis for foreign bodies in siderosis. 目的:探讨眼铁质沉着症的超声生物显微镜(ultrasoundbiomicroscopy,UBM)图像特征及异物的检出率。
Determining the iron ion content of aqueous humor and its relationship to ocular siderosis 房水铁离子含量测定与眼铁质沉着症相关性的研究
Objective: To determine iron ion concentration of aqueous in ocular siderosis and discuss its effect on operative prognosis. 目的:测定眼铁质沉着症房水中铁离子含量,探讨其对手术预后及相关影响。
The most common causes of the chronic subarachnoid hemorrhage that lead to superficial siderosis include CNS tumors, head and neck trauma, and arteriovenous malformations, although an occult source is unidentified in over a third of cases. 可导致慢性蛛网膜下腔出血的常见原因包括中枢神经系统肿瘤,头颈部创伤,动静脉畸形等,仍有近三分之一病例的病因不明。
Superficial siderosis is a radiological or pathological diagnosis of hemosiderin deposition in the brain and spinal cord that is caused by chronic subarachnoid hemorrhage. SS是慢性蛛网膜下腔出血沉积于脑和脊髓表面。