N-COUNT 次要活动;附带事件;附属活动 A sideshow is a less important or less significant event or situation related to a larger, more important one that is happening at the same time.
In the end, the meeting was a sideshow to a political storm that broke Thursday... 最终,那次会议成了星期四爆发的政治风暴的一个附属事件。
Radio work for him was very much a sideshow. 对他来说电台的工作只是顺便做做而已。
N-COUNT (马戏或游园会中穿插的)小节目,助兴表演,杂耍 At a circus or fair, a sideshow is a performance that you watch or a game of skill that you play, that is provided in addition to the main entertainment.
Sideshows at the championship include highland dancing and a play by The Wanlockhead Players. 锦标赛上的助兴节目包括高地舞蹈和万洛克黑德剧社上演的一部剧。
Radio work for him was very much a sideshow. 对他来说电台的工作只是顺便做做而已。
Sideshows at the championship include highland dancing and a play by The Wanlockhead Players. 锦标赛上的助兴节目包括高地舞蹈和万洛克黑德剧社上演的一部剧。
They labelled the case a witch hunt that would turn out to be nothing more than an expensive sideshow. 他们称本案是一场政治迫害,最终将不过是一场耗费巨资的穿插表演。
An important sideshow is the attack on central banks 'low interest rate policies for depriving pensioners and other past savers of the fruits of their thrift. 一个重要的插曲是,各国央行的低利率政策也遭到了抨击,这一政策被指是盗取了养老金领取者和以往其他储户辛苦节俭的成果。
Generally speaking, most investors have looked at these US-Sino cyber security issues if they're even paying attention as mainly a political sideshow for local Chinese consumption or, at worst, a mere rhetorical battle between the world's first-and second-largest economies. 总体而言,大多数投资者把这些美中互联网安全问题如果他们关注这事的话看作主要是一场中国国内的政治游戏,最多也只是一场世界第一大和第二大经济体之间的嘴仗。
For their part, executives must stop approaching development as a philanthropic sideshow. Instead, they should acknowledge it as an entrepreneurial challenge where they can make a real difference. 对于企业高管而言,他们不应再把发展视为慈善活动的作秀,而应该意识到发展是企业面临的一个挑战,他们可以在其中发挥切实的作用。
Regulators should remain focused on risk and capital bigness is a sideshow. 监管者应继续关注风险与资本规模大小只是次要问题。
But one thing has changed: the election has rendered Greece a sideshow in the eurozone crisis, for a while. 但有件事已经改变:选举让希腊暂时成为欧元区危机的一个小插曲。
Jankovic still had the edge in the early games of the second set, but sideshow tennis doesn't equate to grand slam success. 扬科维奇仍然在第二盘开始几局存有优势,但是杂耍似的的网球不等同于大满贯上的成功。
But in Switzerland, that debate seemed a sideshow, with most coming out in support of the broad strategy of the Obama administration to do both. 但在瑞士,这种争论看上去是个次要问题,其中大多数争论结果,都是支持奥巴马政府两项举措同时采用的概括性策略。
Back again, eh, sir? Gosh. well, perhaps the break has sharpened the old aim. I still run my little sideshow here, so do drop in some time and try your luck. 又回来啦,长官?啊,呃,也许上次的逃狱事件让警卫们磨练了他们的瞄准技术。我还是在这边玩玩我的小杂耍,改天有空过来试试手气吧。
By using these managed wrappers, you should easily be able to integrate sideshow functionality into your own applications. 通过使用这些托管包装,您能够轻松地将sideshow功能集成到您自己的应用程序中。
You're a sideshow now. 你现在不过是小人物了。
The Design and Implement of Swinging Bell Device Based on the SideShow Techniques 基于SideShow技术的摇摆钟设备的设计及实现
Over the past decade, the big economies among the emerging markets particularly the Bric countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China have shown they are capable of providing more than an entertaining sideshow to the main act of the US, Europe and Japan. 过去10年,新兴市场中的大型经济体(尤其是巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国这金砖四国)已经显示出,它们能够提供的不只是美国、欧洲和日本主要演出之外的穿插节目。
This is turning into a sideshow. 不然这会变成场闹剧。
They were starting a sideshow called The Curious Citizens. 他们正开始上演一场名为‘怪异人物’的杂耍戏。
The general view is that in the19th century we were doing so many bad things that the Opium War was really something more of a sideshow as opposed to what was going on in Africa or India. 普遍的看法是,在19世纪,英国做了太多坏事,和我们在非洲或印度的所作所为相比,鸦片战争真的不算什么重大劣迹。
The case is a sideshow to the big challenge facing China to shift from being the low-wage producer of manufactured goods to a developed economy with a vibrant, open consumer market. 中国目前面临的重大挑战是如何从一个低收入的商品制造国,转变为一个消费市场开放、有活力的发达经济体。
The need to reform pay structures is not, as many have claimed, simply a politically convenient sideshow. 改革薪酬结构的必要性并不像许多人所宣称的那样,只是一种处于政治需要的作秀。
She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island's Dreamland sideshow. 它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。
So, too, are politicians and regulators: stuck bickering in a Goldman sideshow. 政治家和监管者的情况亦是如此:就让他们在这场高盛的助兴节目中继续争论下去吧。
Whether emerging economies decouple from the US in the current cycle is merely a sideshow if you look beyond the next 12 months. 如果你将目光放在未来12个月以后,新兴经济体在本轮周期中是否与美国脱钩,不过是个小插曲。
In the poor countries themselves, agriculture has gone from being a sideshow for the government something the minister of agriculture does into its main event, which everyone needs to worry about. 贫穷国家自身,农业也由农业部长幻灯片上的话题,转变成为政府的主要工作和人人需要担心的问题。
But it is a sideshow& a way to save jobs ( and votes), not restart the economy. 然而这只是一个稳定就业(和选票)的权宜之计,对于重振经济则于事无补。
But we weren't actually going to the beach. We,γ ere taken to a fenced section of reclaimed beach overlooking the real beach, with imported yellow sand and a sideshow carnival. 但实际上我们不是去海滩,而是被带到一处用篱笆围起来,可以俯瞰真正海滩的人工开垦海滩,那里有遍布进口的黄沙和一个杂耍嘉年华。
In comparison, the likely immediate effects of the US credit downgrade which may just accentuate trends of the past few weeks look like a mere sideshow. 相比之下,美国信用评级遭下调可能产生的即刻效应仅仅会加剧过去几周已经显现的市场趋势看上去像不过是小事一桩。
The results, however, became something of a sideshow as running gun battles took over the heart of Congo's capital for the following two days. 然而这一结果却似乎变成了接下来两天发生在刚果首都中心地带的枪战的附属事件。
Foreign-policy debates are generally a sideshow. 关于外交政策的辩论通常只是一场穿插表演秀。