Naturally glossy long hair is a signifier of youth, which in turn implies fertility, which is probably why many men will say that they prefer it to short hair. 自然光泽的长发是年轻人的专利,暗示着他们的生殖力。很可能因此男性更偏爱长发。
The New York Times article also points out that with the growth of online data sources, knowing obscure facts about certain subjects, a big signifier of geek status, has lost its value. 《纽约时报》的这篇文章还指出,随着在线数据的不断增加,了解某些鲜为人知的事情已经失去了意义,也不再是极客地位的象征。
Recent research from the University of Cambridge finds that the key to longevity and good health might well reside in a brisk 20-minute daily walk, which spells trouble for purveyors of another signifier of oppression: the stiletto shoe. 剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge)的最新研究表明:健康长寿的秘诀最好是每天快步行走20分钟,这给另一压迫性标志细高跟鞋带来巨大麻烦。
McGonigal says that stress is an important signifier, not something to be ignored. 麦戈尼格尔称,压力是重要的信号载体,是不应被忽视的。
Like pretty much everything else the English have adopted, we quickly made cutlery into a class signifier. 与英国人所接受的其它事物大同小异的是,他们很快把餐具变身为身份等级的标志。
Sitting and standing tall is considered the second-most important leadership signifier, no matter what type of office environment you work in. 坐姿和站姿被视为第二个最重要的领导形象,无论你处在哪种办公环境里都是如此。
The complex classification of the signs by Pence was rightly based on different relations between signifier and signified by Saussure. 皮尔斯对符号的复杂分类根据的正是索绪尔的能指和所指之间表现出的种种不同关系。
Contrary means distinction, that is, the value of one signifier is consisted in its distinction of the other. 对立代表着差别的价值,即:能指的价值在于它与另一能指的不同;统一意味着缺场与在场的一体。
This relation is called a differential relation because one signifier can never signify itself, it must always refer to other signifiers. 这个关系被称为延异关系,因为符号无法单指自己,总是会提及其他符号。
Doesn't that have to do with the signifier? For no signifier is produced ( se produit) as eternal. 那难道不是跟这个能指有关吗?因为没有一个能指被产生是作为永恒的。
Therefore, the signifier of "the Name-of-the-Father" does not necessarily relate to the character of "father", nor does it point to a certain person or a certain object. 因此,父亲之名的能指并不与父亲这个人物有必然的联系,也不固定指向某尹人或某物。
According to Saussure, language is a sign system and the signifier and the signified, which form the signs, are unique in different languages. 依据索绪尔的语言学理论,语言是一个符号系统,构成语言符号的能指与所指在每一种语言中都是不同的。
A symbol may be defined in general terms as a signifier of a complex nature which always places its most important referent outside of itself. 一个“象征”大致可以定义为复杂含义的“标示”物。而这个“含义”总是不在这个象征本身。
Semiotic Translation of Metaphor from the Angles of Signifier and Signified 从能指和所指的角度看隐喻的符号学翻译
To put it in a paradoxical way: the subject of the signifier is a retroactive effect of the failure of his own representation; 以一种悖论的方式来说:能指的主体是他自身的表象的失败的一个回溯性效果;
In the grandiose yet hushed and darkened theater, the girls dance, accompanied by an innocuous piano tune that has long since become a signifier of some imminent dread. 在雄壮尚未寂静和黑暗的影院,跳舞的女孩的陪同下,无害的钢琴调长期以来成为一个符号,因为一些迫在眉睫的恐惧。
Throughout his career, Rosling has maintained a fact-based worldview – an understanding of how global health trends act as a signifier for economic development based on hard data. 纵观他的职业生涯,罗斯林建立起了一个以事实为基础的世界观,即一种观念&全球健康趋势如何来充当基于硬数据的信号物。
She builds up a subjective time concept by employing the duration of the signifier: "the relative time" in modern fiction. 她通过能指时间的延展性建立现代小说的主体时间范畴,即“相对时间”。
Signifier of Chinese Language and Its Effect on Chinese Literature and Culture 汉语能指及其在中国文学和文化上的后果
The subject of the signifier is precisely this lack, this impossibility to find a signifier which would be "his own": the failure of his representation is a positive condition. 能指的主体正是这个缺失,是找到可能是“他自己”的一个能指的这个不可能性:他的表象的失败是一个肯定的条件。
The concept of arbitrariness in De Saussures semiology theory is based on the negation of nominalism, including both the arbitrariness of value and that between the signifier and the signified. 索绪尔的任意性概念是建立在否定语言命名观的基础之上的,它包括价值任意性、能指与所指之间的任意性两种。
I propose to retain the word sign to designate the whole and to replace concept and sound-image respectively by signified and signifier; 我更倾向于沿用原来的名称来表达这三个概念的整体含义,用它来指代各自越来越有象征意味的概念和映象。
It has realised that towers, the ubiquitous signifier of commercial modernity, are not enough to make it distinctive, but this garden certainly is. 新加坡意识到,作为现代商业标志物而无处不在的高层建筑,并不足以使自身与众不同,但这样一个花园却肯定可以。
I hope to make the meaning obscure and the range of signifier broader. 我希望使得其中的含义模糊不清、能指范围更为广阔。
For Lacan, the term "signifier chain" refers to the interrelations between different symbols or words. 对于拉岗而言,「符号链」提到不同符号及文字的关系。
The natural relationship between the signifier and the signified is iconicity. 能指和所指之间存在的自然关系叫做象似性。
By separating signified and signifier, it analyses the existence of God in language. 并从解构主义的角度出发,从能指和所指分离入手,解构了上帝在语言上的存在,分析了上帝存在命题的多角度走向。
In this sense, language forms could be explained or there is a relation between the signified and signifier. 如此看来,语言形式是可以被解释的,在能指和所指之间也存在着联系。
Iconicity reveals that there are some inner relationship between signifier and signified or between form and meaning. 象似性理论认为,在语言的能指和所指或者形式和意义之间,有内在的认联系。
Iconicity studies the relationship between the signifier and the signified. 象似性理论主要研究能指与所指之间的联系。