锡克教教徒(锡克教在15世纪晚期产生于旁遮普地区,相信一神论) a member of a religion (called Sikhism ) that developed in Punjab in the late 15th century and is based on a belief that there is only one God
His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu. 父亲是锡克教教徒,而母亲则是印度教徒。
The upper house is called the Senate which has100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan with reserved seats for Hindu, Sikh, Christian, and other minorities. 上议院被称为参议院,它拥有平等地分配给巴基斯坦的四个州的100个席位,还保留了一些席位给印度教、锡克教、基督教和一些其他人数较少的叫牌。
The Ministry of Defence launched the 20 new menus along with 18 halal, vegetarian and Sikh and Hindu variations. 国防部公布了20种新食谱,其中包括18种清真、素食以及锡克族和印度食品。
Muslim mobs attacked and killed Hindus and Sikhs departing Pakistan on trains and on foot; Hindu and Sikh mobs murdered Muslims leaving India. 穆斯林暴徒袭击并杀害乘坐火车以及步行离开巴基斯坦的印度教徒和锡克教徒;印度教和锡克教暴徒则谋杀离开印度的穆斯林教徒。
But Miss Kaur has now decided to stop cutting her hair after being baptised as a Sikh-a religion in which cutting body hair is forbidden. 但在哈娜·考尔受洗成为一名锡克教徒之后,决定不再修剪自己的毛发,因为在锡克教中是禁止修剪毛发的。
But at the age of 16, everything changed for Miss Kaur when she decided to be baptised as a Sikh. 但在哈娜考尔16岁时,她决定受洗加入锡克教。
The Persians named it after the Sikh headwear that it resembled. 波斯人认为它像锡克教头巾,因此以之为其命名。
The dispute over touching dogs has underlined the fault lines in what has increasingly become a country polarized between members of the Malay majority, who are overwhelmingly Muslim, and ethnic Chinese, Indians and other minorities, who are typically Christian, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist. 摸狗争议突显了这个国家占主体的马来人和华裔、印度裔等少数民族之间的分裂,前者大多是穆斯林,后者大多信奉基督教、印度教、锡克教或佛教。
My rich Sikh landlord slept on the road and earn good money as watchman while sleeping. 我那些有钱的锡克教徒们在马路边上睡觉,在睡觉的时候还要当守门人赚钱。
The centre of their religious and cultural activities is the Sikh Temple at 371 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island. 港岛湾仔皇后大道东371号的锡克庙,是他们的宗教和文化活动中心。
Then Indira was gunned down by her Sikh bodyguards. 接着英迪拉又被自己的锡克教保镖开枪刺死。
One collection-point manager, a tall Sikh in a pink turban, says his family is inCanadabut he would not dream of quitting his job to join them. 一名包着粉头巾的高大锡克族人是一家这样的收奶站的负责人,他说自己的家人在加拿大生活,但他并不愿意放弃自己的工作去和他们团聚。
Church of England, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh and Hindu. 教会英国,天主教徒,卫理公会派教徒,回教,犹太,印度锡克教徒。
The town has a sizeable Sikh population. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。
The Sikh religion is an amalgam of the Muslim faith and Hinduism, simply and clearly expressed in the Panjabi language. 锡克教是穆斯林信仰与印度教混合的宗教,简单和明确地用旁遮普语表达出来。
While in Amritsar, Snatam lived next door to the Golden Temple, considered the world's holiest Sikh temple. 当在阿姆利的时候,出于世界最神圣的锡克神庙的原因,斯奈特就住在金殿的旁边。
I might add that he is an Indian, a Sikh. 或许我应补充一点:他是印度人,是个锡克教教徒。
Rise of the nationalist movement of the Sikh community 锡克教宗教民族主义运动的兴起
A Simple Explanation of the Caste System in Sikh Society 浅析锡克社会中的种姓