It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts. 这是一个购物者不理会昂贵的丝绸衣服而热衷于更实用礼物的圣诞节。
They continued to get their silks from China 他们继续从中国购买丝绸。
The bride gives the groom a shirt sewn with gold thread blended with colored silks and a wedding ring. 新娘则向新郎赠送一件用金线和彩色丝绸缝制的衬衣和结婚戒指。
Our silk garments are made of super pre silk materials and by traditional silks. 我们的丝绸服装是用传统工艺做成的,采用的是高档真丝面料。
The children around me are wrapped in silks, like gifts. 我周围的孩子们裹在丝绸里,犹如礼物。
For all I know, they brings as much revenues as silks and spices ever did. 就我所知道的,他们带来的收益未必逊于过去的丝绸和香料。
So because of their relatively plain design and structure, embroidered edgings, decorated bands, draped cloth or silks, patterns on the shoulders, and sashes were often added as ornaments. 由于它们的设计和结构相对比较朴素,因此它们经常绣上花边、饰以镶边、辅以褶皱布料或丝料、肩部加上图案花样、并配上腰带。
Materials for shoes and dresses were rich and splendid and included brocades, embroidered silks and painted leathers. 鞋服采用浓艳灿烂的锦缎,刺绣丝绸和喷漆上色的皮革材料。
The wearing or selling of silks and cottons from india. 穿着或销售印度产的绸衣和布衣。
( British) a dealer in textiles ( especially silks). (英国)做纺织品(特别是丝稠)生意的商人。
I'm particularly interested in those brightly colored and beautifully designed silks. 我对那些色彩鲜艳、计美观的丝绸特别感兴趣。
The king's attendants were resplendent in red and white silks. 国王的侍从身着华丽的红白相前的丝绸服饰。
Even with Chinese silks and chandeliers. 即使装饰着丝绸和枝形吊灯。
I'm very much impressed with your silks. The colours are charming and the feel is good. 我对你们的丝绸印象很好,色彩迷人,手感不错。
We could line the walls with Chinese silks. 我们可以在墙上挂上中国丝绸。
Have you anything to declare? Any wines, perfumes, silks? 你有什么东西要报关吗?有酒,有香水或是丝绸吗?
Guest rooms have hardwood floors and are decked out in gray and beige tones, while the walls and headboards are covered in Thai silks. 客房里铺着硬木地板,主要采用了灰色和米色两种色调。壁和床头板上都铺设着泰国丝绸。
Silks dyed in all colours of the rainbow The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. 染成彩虹那样七种颜色的丝绸服装.这些闪着彩虹般颜色的大气泡很美。
Today Kashan produces velvet, silks and carpets as well as interesting Ceramics and metal works. 如今,喀桑不仅出产丝绒、真丝和地毯,也生产一些颇具民族特色的瓷器和金属器。
Flowing silks and heavy brocades can be easily maneuvered into this style. 流动的丝和重重的锦缎可以很容易与这种风格相搭配。
A vogue for real or imitation Oriental silks. 东方真丝或其仿制品的风行。
Many silks are on display at the fair. 交易会上展出了各种丝绸。
Although you love antiques and silks, you also want a family-friendly kitchen and dining room. 虽然你钟爱古董和丝织品,但你还是会将厨房和客厅布置地温情脉脉。
The walls were hung with splendid silks and tapestries. 墙上挂著了不起的丝绸制品和挂毯。
They were dressed in rich velvets and silks. 他们穿着华丽的天鹅绒和丝绸衣服。
If you don't make concessions, we'll buy the fancy silks elsewhere. 如果你方不能在价格方面作些让步,我们就不得不考虑从其他渠道购进印花丝绸了。
The crowds, flags, colored silks, fresh flowers and lamps formed a beautiful festive ocean. 人群、旗帜、彩绸、鲜花和灯饰汇成了喜庆的锦绣海洋。
We have received your offer for silks, but find your price rather high. 我们已收到你方丝绸的报盘,但发现所报价格太高。
A lot of cottons and silks are cool but they wrinkle easily. 很多纯棉和丝绸都很凉快,就是很容易起皱。
I got some new silks that are really bad. 我弄到一些新的丝制品,真是棒极了!