The auctioneer was a silver-tongued man from Alabama. 那位拍卖商是一位出生于亚拉巴马州的雄辩家。
Donna: You silver-tongued devil. Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no? 你这耍嘴皮子的家伙,你回答问题时,难道不能简单地回答“好”或“不好”吗?
With sharp mind and witty words, the silver-tongued diplomat skillfully coped with the tough questions from the press. 这位能言善辩的外交官,以其机智和妙语巧妙地回复了记者的刁难。
We may not be silver-tongued or exceptionally gifted, but we all have something to give& a skill or talent to share in Christ's name. 我们未必伶牙俐齿或才华出众,但我们都有一些东西可以与人分享,我们可以奉基督的名与人分享我们的一个技能或才干。