Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair 成百上千朵烟花在半空中同时绽放。
Insert the fork about 6in. from the root and simultaneously lever it backwards 将耙子插入到离根部约6英寸的地方并同时向后扳。
There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while simultaneously claiming to be happily married 他们一面高兴地描绘着每天16个小时的工作,一面又声称自己婚姻幸福。
The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously 言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。
It will save considerable machining time to use more than one tool in one machine to perform several machine operations either in sequence or simultaneously. 在一台机器上使用数种刀具来顺次或同时进行几项机器操作,将节省大量加工时间。
Similarly, risk concentrations that might be acceptable at a single institution in a period of economic expansion could be dangerous if they existed at a large number of institutions simultaneously. 同样,在经济扩张时期,一个单独的机构可以接受的风险集中,如果在大量的机构中同时存在,就是十分危险的。
This allows several users to connect to the same desktop simultaneously. 这样允许多个用户同时连接到同一个桌面上。
The HMC is a multifunction stand-alone system that can interact with multiple System p computers simultaneously. HMC是包含多项功能的独立系统,它可同时与多个Systemp电脑交互。
Multiple versions of classes can be loaded simultaneously in the same application using standard OSGi mechanisms. 使用标准OSGi机制,可以同时在同一个应用程序中加载多个类版本。
These test scenarios were also combined to form a suite of tests which were run simultaneously. 这些测试场景还组合形成了一组同时执行的测试。
The atomic locks provide not only a locking mechanism but also arithmetic or bitwise operations simultaneously. 原子锁不仅提供了一种锁定机制,同时也提供了算术或bitwise操作。
Threads can run simultaneously, as well. 线程也可以同时运行。
I can have multiple files open in multiple tabs simultaneously. 可以同时在多个选项卡中打开多个文件。
The source and targets of replication are "live," so work can be accomplished simultaneously on each system. 复制的源和目标是活动的,所以工作可以在每个系统上同时完成。
Multiple instances can simultaneously backup to the same directory file system. 多个实例可以同时备份到同一个目录文件系统。
All three protocols RMM, RUDP, and RUM can be used simultaneously. 这三个协议RMM、RUDP和RUM可以同时使用。
On a multiprocessor system, they really can run simultaneously. 在多处理器的系统中,它们确实可以同时运行。
Finally, we show how multiple keystores/ truststores can be used simultaneously in a single application. 最后,我们说明了怎样在单一应用程序中同时使用多重密钥库/信任库。
We can select multiple managed systems to be updated simultaneously. 我们可以选择多个托管系统同时进行更新。
Kotter's eight steps can be applied at all these levels and at different levels simultaneously. Kotter的八个步骤可以被应用到所有这些级别上,并且同时在不同的级别上。
Multiple instances of the same process may be running simultaneously. 同一个流程的多个实例可以同时运行。
Simultaneously, their gait patterns changed. 与此同时,他们的步态模式也改变了。
As such, t the caller's voice and the user's voice will be recorded simultaneously. 因此,吨呼叫者的语音和使用者的声音将同时记录。
Simultaneously the system realizes real-time control with key and liquid-crystal display. 同时系统将按键与液晶显示器配合,可以达到对系统的实时控制。
RTSJ applications can have threads of all three types running simultaneously. RTSJ应用程序可以同时运行这三种类型的线程。
The user had too many sessions open simultaneously. 用户同时打开了太多的会话。
Individuals create society and forms; and simultaneously exist externally to both. 个人创造了社会和形式,同时又外在于两者而存在。
One account can login, sending and receiving messages in PC and mobile simultaneously. 一个帐户可以登录,发送和接收个人电脑和手机信息同步。
Today for the first time we have three machines working simultaneously. 今天开始,我们首次有了三部机器同时工作。