Nasopharyngeal carcinoma and accessory nasal sinal carcinoma of pigs 猪的鼻咽癌和副鼻窦癌
The NPC and the accessory nasal sinal carcinomas are malignant tumours rarely developed in animals, and were discovered for the first time in China. 鼻咽癌和副鼻窦癌是动物中罕见的恶性肿瘤,在我国系首次检出。
The thesis mainly study non-contact measurement methods of sand sinal detected based on piezoelectric sensor. 论文主要对基于压电传感器检测出砂信号的非接触式测量方法与技术进行了研究。
Although the Titanium alloy has a good biocompatibility, the modulus of it is much higher than the spinal bone. And thus it causes the stress-shielding of the spine which will affect the sinal bone fusion. 尽管钛合金具有良好的组织相容性,但由于其弹性模量远高于人体脊柱骨质,因此在使用过程中存在着应力遮挡、影响植骨融合等多种缺点。