All Singaporeans have to pass exams in the official language of their ethnic group as well as English. 所有新加坡人都必须通过他们自己民族的官方语言及英语的考试。
Having said that, singaporeans usually take vacations more frequently when the economy is doing well, and less so in recession. 然而,新加坡人在经济情况良好时经常度假,而在经济衰退时则减少。
Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess. 新加坡年轻人似乎就缺少了那份机灵和朝气。
I understand Singaporeans 'concerns about taking in so many foreign workers and immigrants. 我知道新加坡人担心太多外劳和移民涌入所带来的问题。
My fellow Singaporeans, I am speaking to you from the new SAFRA clubhouse in Toa Payoh. 我是在战备军人协会崭新的大巴窑俱乐部和大家讲话。
We must always have able, honest and committed leaders, who can be trusted to serve Singaporeans. 我们需要能干、诚实和有献身精神的国家领袖,他们必须值得信赖和会竭尽所能为人民服务。
The Singaporeans argue that they have the perfect compromise between accountability and efficiency. 新加坡人称他们在责任与效率之间达成了最好的折衷。
Young, educated Singaporeans are emigrating to seek better-paying jobs or more freedom from restrictive rules at home. 受过教育的新加坡年轻人纷纷移民出国,寻求薪酬更好的工作或是更大的自由,免受本国限制性规定的束缚。
I am especially encouraged that the younger Singaporeans are in the forefront of this cultural awakening. 尤其令我振奋的,是看见新加坡青年站在推动文化觉醒的前列。
We are luckier than the Singaporeans in malaysia. 我们比起在马来西亚的新加坡公民幸运多了。
I wish all Singaporeans a Happy National Day. 我祝贺全体新加坡人国庆日愉快。
We would need many more enterprising people, hopefully, singaporeans, to set up authentic Singapore restaurants abroad. 因此我们需要更多富有创业精神的人(最好是新加坡人)到国外开正宗的新加坡餐馆。
All Singaporeans are able to readily identify with it. 所有新加坡人都能够轻易地认出它来。
Singaporeans do not crave for and love science and technology. 新加坡人一般上都不渴望也不热爱科学和科技。
But to build a more vibrant and dynamic society, Singaporeans must overcome this feeling of needless fear. 新加坡人若不改变这种无谓怯怕心理,对建立一个具有生命活力,朝气蓬勃的新社会是不利的。
Some Singaporeans may not have an adequate understanding of the nature and root cause of terrorism. 一些本地人或许对问题的本质和根源缺乏认识。
It was commonly held that Singaporeans were not noted for their prowess in general knowledge and current affairs. 根据一般的看法,普通常识和对时事的了解,不是新加坡人的强项。
Mandarin and English-speaking Chinese Singaporeans seem to be living in two different worlds. 在新加坡,讲华语和讲英语的华人似乎生活在两个不同的世界里。
Unfortunately, I have found that more and more young Singaporeans lack this hunger for success. 不幸的是,我发现,越来越多的年轻新加坡人缺乏这种饥饿成功。
This is almost incomprehensible to us Singaporeans, whose minds are saturated with computers. 这对于我们这些被电脑弄得头脑发热的狮城人来说,几乎是难以理解的了。
To say the least, a lot of Singaporeans do not have a comprehensive understanding of the OPC scheme. 至少可以这样说,许多新加坡人没有一个全面的认识OPC方案。
They have branded us "ugly Singaporeans". 他们称我们为丑陋的新加坡人。
Would a new generation of Singaporeans lose their "roots" by accepting western culture wholesale? 新加坡的下一代是否也会因为全盘接受西方文化的影响,而失去了“根”?
Singaporeans will not want to work. 新加坡没有人要干活了。
But the main gripe of wealthier visitors is that Singaporeans 'Mandarin is not up to scratch. 但富裕游客们的主要抱怨是,新加坡人的汉语说得不标准。
Many non-Muslim Singaporeans I met, even strangers, were as friendly as ever. 我的非回教徒朋友,甚至陌生人,还是和以前一样友善。
This is the reason why the spirit of humanity among Singaporeans is in an "anaemic" condition today. 这才造成今天新加坡人的人文精神患了“贫血症”。
Prominent among them are Indians and chinese, and not a few singaporeans. 尤其是印度和中国,也有不少来自新加坡。
Do Singaporeans and the government have the resolve and determination to take up the challenge? 新加坡政府和人民,有这样的毅力和决心吗?
This is what singaporeans are facing now. 这是新加坡人正在面对的。