Structurally, RNA is a single-stranded structure. 从结构来看,RNA是单链结构。
However, this term is used loosely as a measure of DNA and RNA length ( although RNA is single-stranded). 然而,它常被用来衡量DNA和RNA的长度(尽管RNA是单链)。
To make a protein from DNA, they learned, a cell makes a single-stranded copy of the relevant gene, using a molecule called RNA. It then builds a corresponding protein using the RNA as a guide. 他们发现,要根据DNA来生产蛋白质,细胞要使用一种叫做RNA的分子来制作相关基因的单链拷贝,然后再利用该RNA来指导相应蛋白质的合成。
The hybridization event was recognized by the different FRET efficiencies due to different interaction abilities of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA with the polymer. 由于单股和双股DNA与聚合体之间具有不同的相互作用能力,因而可通过不同荧光能量共振转移效率识别杂交事件。
Preparation of Single-Stranded DNA Template for Pyrosequencing by Linear-after-the-Exponential-Polymerase Chain Reaction 指数线性聚合酶链式反应法制备焦磷酸测序反应的单链模板
Porcine circovirus ( PCV), a member of the Circoviridae family, is a small, non-enveloped, spherical single-stranded DNA virus. 猪圆环病毒属圆环病毒科,是一种小型、无囊膜,单链DNA病毒。
The technique, which they are calling a single-stranded library preparation, involves stripping the genetic material down to individual strands to copy and avoids a purification step, which can lose precious genetic material. 这种他们称为单股库制备的技术要把遗传物质分解成单股进行拷贝,省略了可能会造成宝贵的遗传物质丢失的净化步骤。
RNA, the single-stranded precursor to DNA, normally expands one nucleic base at a time, growing sequentially like a linked chain. DNA的单链前体分子,一般一次延伸一个碱基,就像延长的锁链。
Mammalian cells make only the single-stranded variety. 哺乳动物细胞只能产生单链RNA。
The virus is a single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the virus family Arenaviridae. 该病毒为一种属于沙粒病毒科的单链核糖核酸(RNA)病毒。
The single-stranded RNA Borna disease virus ( BDV), lacks cytopathogenicity both in vitro and in vivo. 博尔纳病病毒(BDV)是单股负链RNA病毒,在体内和体外都缺乏细胞致病性。
By gathering mitochondrial DNA and breaking it into short, single-stranded bits, the scientists showed that each bit would pair, or hybridize, with its complementary sequence arrayed on the chip. 通过收集线粒体DNA并将它们解螺旋成单螺旋片断,科学家在芯片上展示了每个片断与它们互补片断的配对排序。
Telomerase is a specialized reverse transcriptase that elongates the single-stranded chromosome ends and oligonucleotides in vivo and in vitro. 端粒酶是一种特殊的逆转录酶,它能在体内延伸染色体单链末端,在体外延伸寡聚核苷酸。一般认为端粒酶的蛋白催化亚基和RNA亚基组成了核心酶,它们对体外活性是必需的。
Analysis test for Nucleic acid revealed that bacteriophage XY-1 was a 6000 bp, single-stranded RNA bacteriophage. 核酸分析试验显示,噬菌体XY-1为6000bp的单链RNA噬菌体。
A new latex test for detecting single-stranded DNA antibody ( ss-DNA) was reported. 本文介绍一种新的检测ss-DNA抗体的胶乳试验。
RPA is the predominant eukaryotic single-stranded DNA binding protein composed of 70,34, and 14 ku subunits. RPA是真核细胞中主要的单链结合蛋白,包含70-,34-和14-ku3个亚单位。
Study of interaction of E. coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein ( SSB) with its substrate, single-stranded DNA ( ssDNA), is very important for understanding its essential roles in replication, recombination and repair of DNA. 研究大肠杆菌单链结合蛋白(single-strandedDNA-bindingprotein,SSB)与单链DNA(single-strandedDNA,ssDNA)的相互作用对于了解其在DNA复制、重组和修复中的作用是非常重要的。
Using an in vitro model of transcription, we synthesized an ODN that contains a single-stranded TIAR binding site and a T7 promoter site. 应用体外转录模型,即通过构建T7及T7TIAR的碱基序列及部分退火的双链模型,合成了一段ODN,其包含单链的TIAR结合位点和1个T7的起始位点。
Geminiviruses are single-stranded circular DNA viruses which are wide distribution of worldwide. 双生病毒是一类在全球广泛分布的植物单链环状DNA病毒。
Rolling circle replication-type and strand displacement replication-type plasmids produce single-stranded DNA intermediates, and theta-type plasmids do not. 其中,链取代复制和滚环复制中间体都产生单链DNA,而theta复制则不产生单链复制中间体。
MicroRNAs ( miRNAs) are single-stranded, small and non-coding RNAs. microRNAs(miRNAs)是人和动物体内的单链非编码小RNA。
And the mechanism models of single-stranded nucleic acid ( RNA) and double-stranded DNA are built respectively, which have paved the way of solving nucleic acids structure problems by using mechanism methods. 最后,将机器人机构学的方法引入核酸的研究中,分别建立起核酸单链(RNA)和DNA双链的机器人机构学模型,为应用机构学方法研究核酸结构相关问题铺平了道路。
With polymerase and the dNTPs, the replication of the single-stranded domain of hairpin-probe triggers the process of primer extension. 在聚合酶与dNTPs的作用下,复制发卡探针的单链部分引发了引物延长进程。
NDV belongs to the genus Rubulavirus of the family Paramyxoviridae and is enveloped, single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus. NDV属于副粘病毒科、禽腮腺炎病毒属,是一种具有囊膜、单链负股RNA病毒。
Interaction between colchicine and DNA is also studied, and find that single-stranded DNA differs from double-stranded DNA in mechanisms of interaction with colchicine and binding capacity. 利用紫外光谱法和电化学方法同时对秋水仙碱与DNA相互作用进行了研究,得出单链DNA和双链DNA与秋水仙碱的作用方式有所不同,结合能力也有改变。
The nanoprobes are composed of single-stranded DNA ( ssDNA) and Au NPs. 纳米探针是由单链DNA和AuNPs组成。
Single-stranded DNA template preparation and pyrosequencing analysis of the parameters were optimized. 优化单链DNA模板的制备条件和焦磷酸测序分析的参数。