
网络  左旋; 左旋的; 左撇子




  1. In the interim of Yanshan-Himalayan stage, the transition from sinistral to dextrorotation of Tanlu fault zone resulted in the transition of faults from NW-trending to NE ( NEE)-trending in Zhanhua Sag.
  2. Therefore, any single model of sinistral or dextral, thrusting, normal slip cannot explain its tectonic evolution comprehensively and rationally.
  3. Since the Miocene, the fold in the Shuanghe group ( N1s) stroke in NE when the main fault on the basin rim changed into sinistral thrust.
  4. It shows sinistral strike-slip movement in western and middle segment, sinistral strike-slip and thrust in eastern segment.
  5. In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs, but an injection from sinistral eggs doesnot influence dextral eggs.
  6. High-pressure sinistral strike-slip shear belts in the NE-trending Tan-Lu fault zone along the western margin of the Sulu orogenic belt are first reported in this paper.
  7. The results show that the Wei-Zi-Luo fault zone consists of several segments with kinematics dominated by reverse and sinistral strike-slip motion.
  8. The Paleogene tectonic framework in Bohai Bay was controlled by both Mesozoic sinistral strike slip and Paleogene extension resulted from diapiric intrusion of mantle.
  9. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of pancreatic sinistral portal hypertension
  10. 3D finite element simulation on sinistral strike-slip of Dunhua-Mishan fault
  11. From the later Tertiary to Quaternery, the Changma strike-slip branch basin inversed and was pressed horizontally caused by the emplacement of the sinistral strike-slip Altyn fault.
  12. A steep plane of the offset provides the evidence of horizontal sinistral slip.
  13. But at one time, handedness ( twist direction of the shell) was equally distributed within some snail species that have become predominantly dextral or, in a few species, predominantly sinistral.
  14. The results indicate that the pluton was of syntectonic balloon_like emplacement mechanism under the force of NNE_trending sinistral ductile shear and gravity.
  15. Controlled by sinistral shear stress of the regional major fault during magma emplacement, the granite distributed from the southeast to the northwest.
  16. The Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone on the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains is a convergence belt between the North China plate and Qinling orogenic belt with the natures of SW-NE-directed subduction and sinistral strike-slip motion. It shows an association style of imbricate structure and duplex structure.
  17. The numerical modelling of tectonic stress field in Minhe Basin during Jurassic Early Cretaceous was made. The result indicates that the basin was in sinistral shear and dextral transportation regime.
  18. On that basis, the paper discusses whether the Tanlu fault is a gigantic sinistral strike-slip fault or a transform fault.
  19. The Changping Fengnan fault is a SW dipping sinistral slip normal fault, which dissects the middle Pleistocene ( Q 2) strata.
  20. The origin of the Jiyang movement is closely related to the transformation of the Tanlu Fault Belt from sinistral to dextral movements.
  21. The forming age of maximum sinistral strike-slip occurred in Middle-Late Triassic.
  22. The transverse accommodation zones generally formed within the basement-involved fold-thrust belt and its styles are mainly sinistral strike-slip faults.
  23. Sinistral strike-slip ductile shearing movement parallel to the Mongol-Okhotsk orogenic belt;
  24. Since the Tertiary period, the Red River Fault Zone suffered both of the sinistral movement and dextral movement, but the activities of the north and the south segment were different.
  25. Analyses of fault plane slip vectors and displacement features of younger piedmont alluvial fans and small gullies along the fault suggest that the fault zone is an oblique-extensional, sinistral strike-slip boundary fault znoe, with the extension oriented in a NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction.
  26. The age and structural deformation imply that the Late Jurassic pluton related to mineralization may correlate with sinistral shear stress field induced by the northward oblique subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate.
  27. S-C fabrics and asymmetric rotational augens in mylonite indicate sinistral shear and locally dextral shear.
  28. The fault zone shows dominant sinistral movement, and partly dip-slip component in late Pleistocene.
  29. For the first time, we identify that the helical structure appeared in an eruptive sinistral filament was left-helical one.



  1. of or on the left
    1. a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer
    2. a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost

  2. preferring to use left foot or hand or eye
    1. sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye