The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks. 卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。
He sinks the needle into my arm 他将针插入我的胳膊。
Population sinks rapidly. 人口急剧减少。
The assailant sinks his teeth into the victim. 攻击者把他的牙齿插入受害者。
If the lava sinks back into its chimney, a crater is left at the top of the mountain. 如果熔岩沉入这个通道,山顶就会留下一个火山口。
This will only make your ego sink further as the reality of Davos sinks in. 这只会让你的自我与达沃斯的真相一起沉沦。
So if the ship sinks, all on board, including Germany, will sink with it. 因此,如果船沉了,船上所有人包括德国在内都会掉进水里。
First, you need to set up your input and output sinks. 首先,需要设置输入和输出接收器。
We provide these sinks in a number of colors-black, bisque, bone and a number of others. 我们提供在一定数量的颜色的这些水槽染黑,素瓷,骨头和一定数量其他。
It sinks, and I am ready to depart. 火萎了,我也准备走了。
With this interface, clients can always register as event sinks. 通过该接口,客户端可以始终作为事件接收器进行注册。
How many sinks, toilets, and showers are there in your house or apartment in total? 你们的房子或者公寓有几个洗手池丶盥洗台和淋浴头?
Wood and air float, but metal sinks. 木头和气垫可以浮在上面,但金属不可以。
Wood can float on the water while stone sinks. 木头能浮在水面上,但是石头会下沉。
A Double modern Ebony Wood Vanity Set includes two attractive and sole white ceramic sinks. 一个双重现代乌木木虚荣集合包括二有吸引力和单一白色陶瓷水槽。
Sinks and draining boards can harbour germs. 水槽和排水板能隐藏细菌。
He soon sinks to the bottom. 他一下子就沉到了池底。
Excess water from irrigation sinks down into the water table. 过量的水分灌溉沉落到地下水位。
Wood floats on the water but metal sinks. 木头漂在水面上,而金属却下沉。
Fill tubs and sinks on upper floors with water to be used for drinking, washing, and sanitation. 在高区楼层的浴缸和水槽里放满水,用于饮用、洗涤和洗漱。
Clean the kitchen sinks and the taps taking care to clean around the base of the taps. 清洁厨房内的洗涤槽及水龙头,注意清洁水龙头底座周围。
Some of the water sinks in and is sponged up. 一些水陷了进去,被海绵吸掉了。
Transport channel sinks pass method calls across the network between the client and the server. 传输通道接收通过网络在客户端与服务器之间传递方法调用。.NET提供了HttpChannel和TcpChannelHttpChannel。
This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world. 这些大密度的海水下沉,可以在世界海洋的深水域发现。
This data is then transformed into a colour-coded map of carbon sources and storage sinks. 这些数据然后会转化成用不同颜色标识的碳源和碳汇的地图。
Zhang once again believe his lies, he immediately sinks to the sum of money. 张丽再次相信了他的谎言,马上汇给了他一笔钱。
Buy high arch or gooseneck spouts if you have large pots and shallower sinks. 高弓或购买如果你有嘴鹅颈壶和浅量大。
We also provide you with the elegant gold and bronze finishes in these glass vessel sinks. 我们也提供您以典雅的金子,并且古铜在这些玻璃船水槽完成。
When a ship sinks, women ( and children) get off first. 当一艘船要沉了的时候,妇女(和孩子)先下船。
The transistors would need to have heat sinks. 当然,电阻可能会需要加装一个散热器。