Fillet is very tender and lean, but sirloin is very juicy and flavourful. 牛柳又嫩又精瘦,但西冷则是多汁而且味道丰富。
For meat dishes, look for leaner cuts, such as skinless chicken breasts, turkey burgers, pork loin and beef sirloin. 荤菜要选瘦肉,比如去皮的鸡胸肉、火鸡汉堡、猪腰肉和牛里脊肉等。
He said consumers could choose lean cuts of red meat such as sirloin tips or round steak over high-fat cuts like rib-eye. 他说,消费者可以选择比较瘦的红肉,比如牛里脊肉或腹腿牛排,而不要选择肋眼牛排这样的高脂肪部位。
We've got a choice of New York Steak, filet mignon and sirloin steak. 我们有纽约牛排,菲力牛排,沙郎牛排供您选择。
A: You're a masochist. Whoaa! There goes my prime sirloin! 你真是个受虐狂。喔,我的特级牛腰肉来了!
We have a very good sirloin today, madam. 我们今天有上好的牛里脊肉,太太。
The "scraps" was four or five choice slices of fresh-roasted sirloin, and smothered in hot gravy. 剩菜是四五片新烤的精选牛腰肉,上面浇上了滚热的卤汁。
A stuffed veal chop napped with an elegant Port sauce ( bJay Jacobs) The "scraps" was four or five choice slices of fresh-roasted sirloin, and smothered in hot gravy. 牛肉片上浇有美味的肉汁(b杰雅格布斯)剩菜是四五片新烤的精选牛腰肉,上面浇上了滚热的卤汁。
The scientists are learning more about the movement of E.coli into "subprimals," the meat from which top sirloin steaks are carved. 科学家正在研究大肠感觉如何进入“部分切牛肉”的更多细节,顶级沙朗牛排就是从这种“部分切牛肉”中切取出来的。
Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into small pieces all at one time. Stay on the same-a Scotch highball and a sirloin steak. 把大块食物,如牛排或排骨,一次切成若干小块。还是老菜谱&苏格兰姜汁啤酒和牛腰排骨。
I know the sirloin steak is the specialty of this restaurant. 我知道西冷牛排是这里的特色菜。
I will have sirloin steak and salmon for the lady. 我要沙朗牛排,姐要鲑鱼。
If you like steak, have the sirloin. It's tasty as can be. 如果你想吃牛排,来块牛腰肉。再好吃不过了。
Sirloin steak is our special of the day, sir. 今天的特餐是里脊牛排,先生。
Yes. I'll have a sirloin steak, please. 是的,我想要一份牛排。
James: I see, then give me seafood soup, Sirloin steak and strawberry ice cream, thank you. 詹姆斯:我明白了,那么请给我来一个海鲜汤、沙朗牛排及草莓冰淇淋,谢谢。
Boss: sirloin rice I: Ok, I still think my view is correct, this is just a bowl of white rice in schools 老板:牛腩饭我:算了,我还是认为我的观点是对的,这只是一碗白米饭在学校
For example I love English breakfasts, or smoked haddock, or roast sirloin steak with mushrooms and onions. 比方说我就很喜欢英式早晨,或者是熏鳕鱼、西冷牛排配蘑菇或洋葱。
Part of the sirloin between the flat bone and the porterhouse. An ox carried two water kegs strapped across his back. 在平骨和前背部之间的牛的上部腰肉。
Part of the sirloin next to the wedge bone. 与楔形骨连接的牛的上部腰肉。
Simply speaking, it's a sirloin steak with sauce. 简单的说,这是有调味汁的上腰肉牛排。
Ask Mrs Hill to order us a sirloin, betsy. 吩咐希尔太太帮我们订沙朗牛肉,贝琪。
This is another type of Gotbob for meat lovers, presenting unoiled pork sirloin along with herb leaves, herb flowers, and various sprouts. 采用香草叶、香草花和各种幼芽,加上不带脂肪的猪肉里脊而做出的肉花饭。
Return sirloin to pot. 把牛肉放回锅里。
I order black pepper sirloin without any paprika. If you like steak, have the sirloin. It's tasty as can be. 我叫的是黑椒牛腰肉,不要放红椒。如果你想吃牛排,来块牛腰肉。再好吃不过了。
The stock would be up to its sirloin in shit. 那些家畜会被这些牛粪淹没。
Sirloin steak or rib-eye? 牛里脊肉还是肉眼牛排?
I particularly advise you four people to taste the sirloin steak. It's really delicious. 我特意向你们四个人推荐这道牛腰排骨,味道真的不错。
Ill have a mixed salad and a Sirloin Steak. 我要一份混合沙拉和一份沙朗牛排。
Shall I order some sirloin steak for you? 我可以为您点一份牛腰排骨吗?