There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women. 这些女人之间存在着一定程度的团结精神和姐妹情谊。
The fifth chapter presents different sisterhood between female images in the two movies. 第五章介绍并比较了两部影片中不同的姐妹关系。
Without this inherent competitive goal, women can form unbreakable bonds of sisterhood and support. 少了结婚这个与生俱来的竞争性目标,女性之间就会形成坚如磐石的姐妹情谊和相互支撑。
So, the important thing for her is to deliver the message that sisterhood is powerful& a memo some of the women around her have yet to receive. 所以,对她来说,重要的事情就是传递出妇女能顶半边天这种信息&当时她身边一些女性还没有接受这种观点。
It had walked for hundreds of years, if not as benefit-club, as votive sisterhood of some sort; and it walked still. 它已经延续了好几白年,如果算不上共济会,它也是一种供奉上帝的姐妹会;而且它还要继续存在下去。
Outside Brothers, everything at Wellesley was still sisterhood and female empowerment. 在兄弟会之外,整个卫尔斯理仍旧是姐妹情谊和女性赋权的天下。
They complained among themselves and to the administration that sisterhood had been hijacked. 她们互相之间,并且向学校管理层抱怨说,姐妹情谊被绑架了。
An across the ocean brother and sisterhood kind of love. 跨越重洋的兄弟姐妹的爱。
Changing 'sister' to 'sibling' didn't feel like it was including more people; it felt like it was taking something away from sisterhood, transforming our safe space for the sake of someone else. 把'姐妹'改成'手足'听起来并没有包容更多的人,而是把'姐妹情谊'中的某些东西拿走了,为了其他人把我们这个安全的地方改变了。
With kindness, with love and compassion, with this feeling that is the essence of brotherhood, sisterhood, one will have inner peace. 伴随着善意、爱和同情,伴随着兄弟姐妹间的真情实感,一个人的内心会拥有真正的宁静。
When you wear these bracelets, you will always remember just how strong the bonds of sisterhood are. 当你们戴着这些手链的时候,你们将记着我们的姐妹情谊有多深。
There is nothing we wish more than that your sisterhood will continue to bond as you grow older, and that you will take care of each other throughout your lives. 随着年龄的增长,你们姐妹之间的情谊不变,你们互相照应,彼此关心,这就是我最希望见到的事情了。
Now the last defenders of the Sisterhood are either dead or scattered throughout the wilderness. 如今,姊妹会的守护者不是死掉,就是在荒野中失散了。
In this sense, education and health are a sisterhood. 从这个意义上来说,教育和卫生属于姐妹关系。
We never invested in a pair of traveling pants& a pair of jeans that we'd share and that would unite us in a kind of sisterhood even as our paths diverged. 也许我们从来就没有买过可以同穿的裤子-一条可以彼此分享的牛仔裤,这也许是可以再次把我们的姐妹帮聚到一起的好方法,尽管我们各自所走的道路并不同。
Education and health are a mutually-reinforcing sisterhood. 教育和卫生是相互加强的姐妹关系。
She organized a new all-female army, the Sentinels, and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune. 她组织了一个新的名为哨兵的全女性部队,并且颁布命令这支部队直接隶属于艾露恩姐妹会。
For her part, Tyrande was already a novice in the Sisterhood of Elune and so had dedicated herself to the goddess above all others. 至于泰兰德,她已经是月神修女会的一个见习女祭司,已经很难让她献身于女神之外的其他神明。
One of her sisterhood knitted beside her. 她那女界同胞之一在她身边编织着。
Sisterly Love: A Dream Deferred& Sisterhood in Gloria Naylor s The Women of Brewster Place; 姐妹情谊:一个被延缓的梦&解读格罗丽亚·内勒小说《布鲁斯特街的女人们》
Sisterhood is powerful this and powerful that. 姐妹之谊是很强大的。
His aunt is elected as the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses. 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇女团体的代表。
And over the past two years we've really learned a lot about trust, sisterhood, and friendship,@ said Beyonce. 过去两年,关于信任、姐妹情谊和友谊我们真的学会了很多,贝绒茜说。
She is a member of a sisterhood in northern france. 她是法国北部修女会的一名成员。
Although she will come back to Beijing, she can't meet us like before, days of sisterhood gone. 虽说过段时间会再回北京,可我们不能像以前那样天天见面了。
"She never missed before," says a knitting-woman of the sisterhood. “她从来不曾错过的,”姐妹行中的一个织毛线的妇女说。
Her role as his mom trumps the call to sisterhood. 她的角色是他的妈妈而不是自己的姐妹。
One is tempted to use the favoured phrase of the sisterhood about the film itself. 这句子最常见于形容姊妹情谊,这次则用作电影题材。
Malfurion agreed that the night elves dared not leave Illidan unguarded in the long term, and so he asked Maiev to gather additional volunteers from the sisterhood of elune. 玛法里奥同意从长远角度讲,暗夜精灵不敢轻易抛弃伊利丹,于是他让玛维聚集其他艾露恩姐妹会志愿者。
The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history. 盲眼姊妹会具有一段悠久而高傲的历史。