Who would blame Sisyphus and Jean Valjean for saying: "It is enough!" 谁会责备西绪福斯和冉阿让,如果他们说:“受够了!”
Suicide, proclaimed Albert Camus in "the myth of Sisyphus", is the only serious philosophical problem. 加缪在他的着作《西西弗的神话》中说到,自杀是唯一严肃的哲学问题。
However, if you think it is impossible and you use the inefficient methods, you will be stuck pushing a boulder up a mountain just like a character from Greek mythology, Sisyphus. 尽管如此,如果你觉得这是不可能而且你使用没有效率的方法学习,那你就会如希腊神话里的暴君推不动卵石上山一样停滞不前。
But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. 但西西弗斯教会我们以更高的忠诚否定诸神,举起重石。
Again I fancy Sisyphus returning toward his rock, and th sorrow was in the beginning. 我还想象西西弗又回头走向他的巨石,痛苦又重新开始。
As with Sisyphus, the boulder was painstakingly rolled upwards only to tumble back down again in an absurd exercise of futility. 正如西绪福斯荒谬而徒劳无功的行动那样,他艰苦的将巨石滚上去仅仅是为了它再次翻滚下来。
It is during that return, that pause, that Sisyphus interests me. 正是因为这种回复、停歇,我对西西弗斯产生了兴趣。
For a big country to deflate its way to health, in these circumstances, is a labour of Sisyphus. 在这样的环境下,一个大国要想通过紧缩之路恢复健康,只会是徒劳无功。
Then Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward that lower world whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit. 西西弗斯于是看到巨石在几秒钟内又向着下面的世界滚下,而他则必须把这巨石重新推上山顶。
What would not a man give, O judges, to be able to examine the leader of the great Trojan expedition or Odysseus or Sisyphus, or numberless other, men and women too! 法官们啊,为换取机会去研究远征特洛伊的领袖奥德修斯、西西弗斯和无数其他的男男妞妞,还有什么不可舍弃的呢?
In this paper, we propose a new scheme to cool and trap neutral atoms by using a blue-detuned localized hollow beam ( LHB), and studied the dynamical process of intensity-gradient cooling of the trapped atoms in the LHB by means of Monte-Carlo simulations. 提出了一种采用蓝失谐局域中空光束实现中性原子冷却与囚禁的新方法,并采用MonteCarlo模拟方法研究了局域中空光束中原子强度梯度冷却(即Sisyphus冷却)的动力学过程。
The characters of the cloudy and gloomy archetypes consist of frightful mothers, the poisonous snakes ( or the monsters), the gloomy angels and the Sisyphus. 阴郁的原型性人物包括可怕的母亲、毒蛇、阴郁的天使和西西弗斯等形象。
Modern western Sisyphus spirits gave birth to the new tragedy consciousness of western modernistic literature. 现代的西方西绪福斯精神孕育了西方现代主义文学的新悲剧意识。
The scattering rate of near-resonance optical lattice is bigger than the far-off-resonance optical lattice ( but smaller than the resonation case), and has the Sisyphus cooling mechanism, so it can cool the cold atoms down efficiently. 近共振光学晶格中原子对光场的散射率与大失谐情形相比仍较高(但与共振情形相比散射率则很低),存在着Sisyphus冷却机制,可使冷原子的温度显著降低。
Even so, Lessing persistently believes that women should fight for their freedom by unremitting efforts, just like Sisyphus pushing a boulder. 尽管如此,莱辛仍执着的相信,女性应为她们的自由不懈的努力,就像西西弗一样不断的将巨石推向顶峰。