All he wanted was a cup of tea and a sit-down. 他只求一杯清茶、片刻小憩。
A sit-down dinner was followed by a disco. 晚宴之后播放了一曲迪斯科舞曲。
Teachers staged a sit-down protest in front of the president's office. 老师们在校长办公室门前举行了一场静坐抗议。
Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding? 你想在婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?
One option that became increasingly popular last year was swapping out the standard sit-down desk for a standing desk. 去年开始,用立式办公桌代替标准的坐式办公桌在谷歌蔚然成风。
Already, says Bill Rosenthal, Skype interviews are fast replacing phone screenings as a way for employers to check out job candidates before, or even instead of, an in-person sit-down. 比尔•罗森塔尔表示,在Skype上进行面试已经成为雇主筛选求职者的新途径。它正在快速代替电话面试,甚至面对面的面试。
We were supposed to stop for lunch at a nearby Panda Express, but the group unanimously vetoed a sit-down meal, fearing it would cut into shopping time. 我们原本应该在附近的一家熊猫快餐店(PandaExpress)停下来吃顿午饭,但大家一致否决了坐下来吃饭的计划,主要是因为担心它会缩短购物时间。
But in a recent a sit-down with fortune, Jones said he continually meets CEOs of major corporations who remain blissfully unaware of social media and its power. 但琼斯在最近接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)访问时说,他不断见到许多大公司的CEO仍然乐而忘忧,对社交媒体及其力量毫无戒备。
The sit-down between President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders will have to wait nearly two weeks. 总统巴拉克.奥巴马和共和党国会领导人的会面还将等待两个星期左右。今天奥巴马本该与参议员少数党领导人米奇•麦康诺和可能上任为众议院议长的约翰.博纳会面。
These don't have to be huge& perhaps a 10-minute stroll, a few minutes reading a book, a cat nap, a body-care product that smells or feels good, a sit-down meal. 并不一定得是什么重大事物或许只是10分钟的散步,几分钟的阅读,打个盹,味道很好的护肤品,坐下来吃顿饭等等。
Have you been to one of these large, sit-down dinner parties since you got to New Haven? 自从你来纽黑文市,你有没有去过这种大型的、坐下来吃饭的聚会?
A growing number of workers at Google, Facebook and other employees are changing their sit-down desks for standing ones, saying they feel more comfortable and energetic while standing to work. 谷歌、脸谱以及其他公司越来越多的员工将他们的坐式办公桌换成了立式办公桌,他们认为站着办公令他们感到更舒适,精力也更充沛。
The sit-down has run out of chocolate shake. 那家快餐店的巧克力奶昔卖完了。
You have regular sit-down meetings with him? 你和他开了个例会?
First Valerio calls me in for a sit-down with Vargo himself. 先是瓦勒尼奥叫我去陪瓦戈本人坐坐。
Dinner will be a cold buffet, not a sit-down meal. 正餐是凉的自助餐,不是坐着让人侍候的那一种。
All during the sit-down dinner, the host's three-year-old girl stared at her father's boss sitting across from her. 在整个饭局当中,主人的三岁大的女儿一直盯着坐在她对面的人,即她父亲的老板。
Have a sit-down or quiet activity after a movement activity. 在动态活动之后,坐下或给予安静的静态活动。
Don't have regular sit-down meetings with him or anything? 没有与他定期的会议之类的吗?
When you need a long sit-down, grab a picnic from a local market and head to the nearest park. 若要享受一个悠长舒适的早饭,建议你先去当地市场买一份外卖,再去附近的公园坐下来野餐。
Two years ago, he started traveling more for work& meaning that instead of brown-bagging his meals, he began eating food ordered at drive-thru windows and at sit-down diners several days a week. 两年前他开始为工作旅行,这意味着他的餐饮被棕色的皮包所代替,他开始在车道的窗户下订餐,并一个星期有几次成为那里的座下客。
Well, in that case, a sit-down dinner is out of the question. 噢,那样的话,坐着进餐是不可能的了。
If he wants to have a little sit-down chin-wag with the wolf man. 如果他还想跟我谈一谈。
Because then my mother always insists on us having a proper sit-down meal. 因为在假期我妈总是要让我们坐下来好好吃早饭。
But there will be a sit-down dinner and dance in the evening so it is best to get to grips with table manners well in advance. 但是,傍晚的时候将举行正式的晚宴和舞会,所以还是事先掌握好餐桌礼仪为佳。
We are having a sit-down mealat our wedding. 我们结婚时有正式桌宴。
And then we're gonna have a sit-down chat with each one of your members. 然后我们再和你们的每一位会员坐下好好谈谈。
There will be two in-class ( 30 minute) quizzes and a sit-down final exam. 会有两次随堂(三十分钟)小考和一次教室内的期末考。
Three thousand workers staged a sit-down strike at the Bermen Goliath Automobil works. 布伦门·戈莱德汽车厂三千工人举行了留厂罢工。