And, of course, they read the sky a little differently in much the same way, perhaps, as a musician might play a sitar differently to a guitar. 但当然,即使用同一方式预测,他们从天空读出来的信息也会有所不同,可能就像一个音乐家演奏锡塔琴和吉他的区别。
All night, the penniless Sitar player had waited. 窍西塔琴师彻夜枯等。
Many people say that world music and global culture only really took off when Harrison began playing the sitar on songs such as@ norwegian wood. 许多人说,世界音乐和全球文化真正开始起步于哈里森开始在《挪威的森林》等歌曲中演奏锡塔尔琴。
As years went by, the memory of his experience at the well gradually faded until one night, while he was walking in the moonlight, the sound of sitar music caught his attention. 时光流逝,他渐渐淡忘了井边的那段经历,直到有一天晚上,他沐浴着月光漫步在路上,被耳畔传来的一阵锡塔琴的演奏声吸引住了。
At once entrancing and meditative yet seductive and passionate the intense rhythms and sounds of Sitar Secrets will completely envelop and enthrall you! 《西塔尔琴秘密》专辑中动感的节奏,诱人的声音,都会将您即刻吸引,完全包围并深陷冥思!
Indian sitar music works best, followed by classical music. 印度西塔琴音乐效果最好,其次是古典音乐。
Jones, the daughter of sitar legend Ravi Shankar, is a pianist who takes inspiration from singers like Nina Simone and Billie Holiday. 琼斯是锡塔琴传奇人物拉维·尚卡尔的女儿,她自己是一位钢琴家,她从尼娜·西蒙娜和比里·霍利迪等歌手那里获取灵感。
This paper presents major error-control techniques available for voting for SITAR intrusion tolerant model, and discusses an effective method to avoid complex transformations in the Ballot Monitors. 文章将分组码的特性应用到SITAR容侵模型的投票机制中去,讨论有效避免在SITAR模型中投票监视器在投票/裁决之前需进行结果的复杂转换的方法。