The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti. 这个维护方案还会试图保护这些地点不被涂鸦。
Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels or camp sites in advance 鉴于该地区很受人们青睐,最好提前预订旅馆或宿营地。
In London, where I grew up, we were surrounded by bomb sites. 在我生长的伦敦,四周全是轰炸后的断壁残垣。
Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we will look after the branding. 各地的公司确定园址后进行主题公园的修建,而我们将负责品牌推广工作。
Camp sites are usually situated along the coast, close to beaches. 野营地一般都位于海滨,靠近沙滩。
Inspectors were sent to visit nuclear sites and verify compliance with the treaty 监督员被派去视察核武器基地并核实条约的遵守情况。
The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development. 问题是要保护遗址免受房地产开发商的侵占。
The scientists have already experimented at each other's test sites. 科学家已经在彼此的实验场所进行了实验。
With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals. 有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。
They had employed heavies to evict shop squatters from neighbouring sites. 他们雇了一些彪形大汉,将附近私自占点的商贩都赶走了。
He has worked as a labourer in factories and on building sites 他在工厂和建筑工地干过苦工。
It was one of the City's prime sites, near the Stock Exchange. 这是伦敦最好的地段之一,离证券交易所很近。
Some of the workers there will be redeployed to other sites 那儿的一些工人将被调配到其他地点。
The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts 该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务。
As many as 30,000 workers at 22 nuclear weapons sites stand to lose their jobs. 在22个核武器制造点工作的多达3万名工人可能会失业。
Security is tight this week at the polling sites. 这个星期,各投票点的安全工作抓得很严。
Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered 丹佛在10个被考虑的地点之中具有优势。
Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority. 保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。
Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies. 登录哈默网络联盟,就会找到另外12个专门播放恐怖电影的网站。
Transposable elements, or insertion elements, are DNA sequences which can be inserted into many different sites in chromosomes. 转位因子或插入因子是能够插入到染色体不同位点的dna序列。
I've written Web sites, administration scripts, and games using Perl. 我已经使用Perl开发了很多Web站点,编写了很多管理脚本,并编写了一些游戏。
Also last month I built two new Web sites with XM. 在上月,我还用XM构建了两个新网站。
I'll discuss these Web sites from a user and developer perspective in this article. 在本篇文章中,我将分别从使用者和开发人员的视角对这些网站进行讨论。
This section outlines the differences between Web sites and Web apps. 本章将概括介绍Web站点和Web应用程序的区别。
Using scripts and a few UNIX utilities, you can keep your external Web and download sites current. 使用脚本和一些UNIX实用工具,可以保持您的外部Web和下载站点是最新的。
IBM provides updates on support sites and in repositories. IBM在支持站点和资料库提供了更新。
Following is a list of Web sites that provide further information and example applications. 以下是一些网站的列表,这些网站提供了进一步的信息和示例应用程序。
Are you dealing with one location among multiple sites? 您是否在处理多个站点中的一个位置?