I was shoehorning myself into my skin-tight ball gown. 我正拼命把自己塞进我的紧身晚礼服里。
Hillary Duff wore a skin-tight aqua Herve Leger bandage dress with tons of chain necklaces and a pair of Christian Louboutin "Big Lips" pumps. 才订婚没多久的希拉里达芙身穿一件水绿色紧身大V领短裙搭配多层链条项链登场。
Tian Yuan Yuan is China` s top Internet model, a title she earned by promoting products from skin-tight leggings to rabbit fur bags through online shopping site Taobao Marketplace. 田媛媛是中国第一网络名模。她在淘宝上为商家推广从紧身打底裤到兔毛手袋等商品,从而获得了这一称呼。
Here, interference from the hair has no effect on the skin-tight fit of the mask, which remains as flat as the painter's plane of canvas. 这里,头发并没有扰乱与皮肤紧贴在一起的面具,后者是那么扁平,宛如画布一样。
Because the style for men in the Gynocracy is to wear skin-tight T shirts, men are obsessed with having a flat stomach. 在女权世界中,男人追求的时尚是紧身T恤。因此男人们都会痴迷地追求平坦的小腹。
You're quite irresistible in that sexy skin-tight getup? 穿着这性感的紧身装,你还真有点魅力?
One recent recruit was clad in skin-tight black jeans that the average western dieter would die for. 新近加入的一名会员身着黑色紧身牛仔裤,而西方普通减肥者为了能穿上这样的裤子,什么都愿意。