They can also be seen off-set: hosting debates, showing up as guests on late-night comedy shows, and even making fun of themselves in skits like those on the comic variety show Saturday Night Live. 现在除了播报新闻,他们偶尔也会主持辩论或做客午夜喜剧节目,甚至会在综艺节目如《周六夜现场》上表演滑稽短剧,拿自己来开涮。
His farewell was much better than the usual mawkish television send-off: He mixed favorite segments like his Top 10 list with clips of classic skits and a few restrained fillips of sincerity and humility. 他的告别节目比通常自作多情的电视送别好得多:他在节目中穿插了最受喜爱的部分,例如他的10大名单,包括经典小品片段,以及几个有诚意、谦逊的、有克制的时刻。
Millions tune in for the heavily scripted and censored five-hour extravaganza filled with rehearsed comedy skits and armies of dancers. 网络春晚的脚本经过反复修改和审查,都是排演好的小品、相声和歌舞。数百万人将收看这一长达五小时的盛大表演。
With its humorous and comical lines and performances, skits are moreover an art of "laughter", which makes it an ever-present member on the stage of arts. 小品更是“笑”的艺术,语言幽默风趣,表演滑稽可笑。正是这些特点,让此小品成为文艺舞台上的“常青树”。
Our student performers show off their talents in dancing, magic, Chinese Kongfu, and skits. 我们的学生在舞蹈、音乐、魔术、中国功夫和短剧小品上大肆炫耀自己的才能。
A traditional British Christmas entertainment for children, usually based on nursery tales and featuring stock characters in costume who sing, dance, and perform skits. 童话剧为儿童演的一种传统的英国圣诞节娱乐剧,常以幼儿园故事为基础,演员装扮成牲畜进行唱歌、跳舞和表演滑稽剧。
I have been in a lot of plays and skits. 我已经在很多剧本和短剧。
The other kind were skits and burlesques and general funny work, written from the grimly determined humorous standpoint of the school magazine. 另一类是些讽刺文、游戏文章和一般的趣味作品,均按学校刊物那种严格确定的幽默观点写成。
Kids can develop ad campaigns, commercials and skits to illustrate character traits. 孩子们会发动宣传运动,制作广告宣传片和幽默短剧来说明性格品质。
A theatrical entertainment of broad and earthy humor; consists of comic skits and short turns ( and sometimes striptease). 粗俗的戏剧性娱乐演出;由一些幽默小品和小节目(有时有脱衣舞)构成。
American cosplayers tend to display their character's personality only while on stage or during skits, but Japanese cosplayers are more outgoing. 在美国,扮演者通常只在舞台或短剧里展现人物的个性,不过日本的扮演者就更开放。
Popular juvenile skits, which may derive from vaudeville or other stage comedy, are the only other shreds of possible folk drama to be found in the United States. 流行广泛的青少年滑稽短剧,可能起源于杂耍或其他的舞台喜剧,是其他仅存于美国的民间戏剧。
The gala highlights a variety of songs, comedy skits and cross talks. 节日晚会上丰富的歌唱、品和相声表演精彩纷呈。
Without stepping out in freezing temperatures, they could watch, together with their whole family, performances of artists singing, dancing, doing acrobatic stunts and performing skits. 如果没有走出去的严寒,他们可以观赏,连同他们的整个家庭,表演艺术家唱歌,跳舞,做杂技特技和表演短剧。
Based on the comedic skits, especially the ones performed in the special spring festival programs on CCTV in the past twenty years, the essay intends to analyze the language mechanism of humor in comedic skits. 论文以二十年来喜剧小品尤其是春节联欢晚会上演的精品为素材,试图通过全景式的描画,解构和发掘喜剧小品幽默的语言机制。
The Oscar show is full of little funny skits that make fun of the famous movies. 奥斯卡节目里有拿电影名作开玩笑的小喜剧。
There were also comedy acts, impromptu skits, and DJ music to fill the lulls between acts. 也有充满在行为之间的间歇的喜剧行为,即兴之作若干,和DJ音乐。
Gordon: They will have some funny skits as well. 戈登:还会有滑稽短剧。
When I first came to China, I could talk to people in the street, I could do the basic conversation with no problem, and I could do those skits on television, but of course, my accent was very strong. 当我第一次来中国时,我可以在街头与人交谈,可以毫无问题地进行基本对话,而且可以在电视上演幽默小品,但当然了,我的口音很重。
What's more, it makes clear that humor in Comedic Skits is humor of drama by comparing Comedic Skits with the other artistic forms such as cross talk, humorous music, humorous painting or humorous novels, etc. 通过喜剧小品与其它艺术形式,诸如相声、幽默音乐、幽默画、小说等幽默文学的比较,明确喜剧小品的幽默是一种戏剧表演式的幽默。
Techniquesto achieve this goal include: spontaneous questions and answers, oral presentations, skits and debates. 具体要运用的课堂技巧包括:自发问答,口头表述,短剧表演及辩论等。
The fourth chapter mainly solves the problems in carrying out the humorous functions in Comedic Skits. 第四部分喜剧小品语言应处理好的几对关系,主要解决喜剧小品要实现幽默功能所应注意的几个关键问题。
Whether Comedic Skits can reach a climax depends on their humorous skills, in which language plays a key role. 喜剧小品能否达到高境界,幽默技巧是关键性条件,而构成幽默的主要元素是语言。
A Study on Humor in Comedic Skits 喜剧小品语言幽默艺术研究
The comedic skits of China originates from 1980s, when the play Eating Noodles performed by Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao has been presented to the screen. 我国喜剧小品起源于20世纪80年代初,陈佩斯、朱时茂所表演的小品《吃面条》开创了中国小品的先河。
At the same time, in recent years, some researchers use the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle to study the humor in some materials, such as literature works, jokes, movies, comic dialogues and comic skits. 同时,近些年,有一些研究者运用合作原则和礼貌原则对某些文本形式,譬如文学著作,笑话故事,电影,相声,小品中对话的幽默进行研究。
As a unique art of performance on the stage, the comedic skits has been topics of tremendous interest in a wide variety of disciplines. 喜剧小品作为一门独特的舞台幽默表演艺术,一直以来都受到各领域学者们的广泛关注。
As a kind of art form, the comic sketch is favored by masses. However, compared with the hot stage, the study of humorous utterance in comedic skits seems inadequate. 喜剧小品是一种群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式,但与舞台的火爆相比,对喜剧小品中幽默话语的研究却显得门庭冷落。
Deliberate misinterpretation ( DMI) is a common phenomenon in Chinese comic skits. 刻意曲解是中国喜剧小品中经常出现的一种语言现象。
As for the humorous utterance phenomenon in comedic skits, more and more experts have paid attention to and made explorations for the subject by using Relevance Theory and Blending Theory. 针对小品中所出现的幽默言语现象,越来越多的学者予以了关注,但他们大多利用关联理论和概念整合理论进行探讨。