Prices go sky-high whenever there is inflation. 通货膨胀时,物价总是飞涨。
The seller can ask a sky-high price; the buyer can make a rock-bottom offer. 漫天要价,就地还钱。
The sky-high euro would soar further, choking off Europe's growth. 欧元将进一步升值,这将制约欧洲的经济增长。
The critics gave sky-high praise to the drama. 批评家们把那部戏剧捧上了天。
In a city suffering from worsening inequality, sky-high home prices are a key political issue. 在一个不平等程度日益加深的城市,房价高企是一个关键的政治问题。
Part of China's sky-high housing prices comes from this dependency, as we've highlighted in the past. That's both driven up prices and encouraged over-investment in the sector via shadow lending. 房价一直在上涨,高房价一部分来自于这样的依赖,我们在过去强调,这是驱动价格上涨和过度投资的原因,甚至是影子贷款部门。
The prices of houses in Taipei are sky-high these days. 现在台北的房价实在太高了。
The photographer who risks his life from sky-high buildings to take incredible photos of the world below. 冒着生命危险,摄影师从耸天高楼上拍摄了惊人的相片,表现脚下的世界。
This new information blows his theory sky-high. 这个新信息彻底粉碎了他的理论。
I used a wide angle lens angled up in order to make this already high swinger seem sky-high. 我用广角镜头成角度的向上的为了使这个已经很高的打秋千者似乎极高。
Result: smuggling, sky-high black market prices and an increase in violence up 400 per cent in the jails of Maine, according to reports. 结果就是:走私、极高的黑市价格和暴力增加根据报告显示,缅因州监狱的暴力事件增加了400%。
They blew the bridge sky-high; the Committee blew the thesis sky-high. 他们把桥炸上了天;委员会把那篇论文扔到天上去了。
The decision-making leaders are also concerned with the sky-high annual salary. 天价薪酬也引起了决策高层的关注。
Contrary to the wisdom in self-help books, sky-high expectation is mostly met with crushing disappointment. 与自助书籍中的智慧相反,高得直上云霄的期望多半只会带来彻底的失望。
A shake of her head tossed the plaything sky-high. 她咬着鞋子并摇晃着她的头把玩具抛向了天空。
Obama is well in-formed enough to know that sky-high malpractice-insurance rates and defensive medicine drive up health costs. 奥巴马了解到了足够的信息,知道过高的医疗事故的保险率和防卫式医疗使得医疗成本高得惊人。
Got enough dynamite down there to blow you sky-high. 有足够的炸药把你炸上天。
He extolled her virtues sky-high. 他将她的美德捧到天上去了。
House prices are sky-high this year. 今年的房价是天价。
A single seller can raise the price of a good sky-high in order to earn extra profits. 为了获得超额利润,一个销售者可单方面大幅度提高某一商品的价格。
In the air, sky-high fuel costs have prompted airlines to raise ticket prices and cut routes. 在空中,过高的燃料成本也已促使各航空公司提高票价,削减空中航线;
The building was blown sky-high. 大楼被炸得飞上了天。
Sky-high fuel prices and weak global economic sentiment are likely to offset gains from cross-strait deregulation. 极高的燃油价格及疲软的全球经济信心可能会抵消两岸解禁所带来的好处。
And the stakes in this battle are sky-high. 而且,这场战争的赌注也非常高。
The explosion blew the building sky-high. 爆炸将大楼炸上了天。
My teacher blew my argument sky-high. 我的老师彻底驳倒了我的论点。
Prices are sky-high at the moment. 眼下物价高得上了天。
Everything is going their way: sky-high gas prices, a weak economy and a deeply unpopular president. 所有一切都正按其路径发展:天价高的油价,经济疲软,很不得人心的总统。
It is far too easy to blame the crisis of capitalism on global finance and sky-high executive salaries. 将资本主义危机归咎于全球金融和高得离谱的高管薪酬实在太简单了。
Investors also looked again at the sky-high valuations of Chinese companies – so the decline gathered speed. 投资者还再次将目光放到了中国企业的天价估值&于是下跌加速。