The sky proves not the limit for Felix Baumgartner, who became the first ever skydiver to break the speed of sound in his daring feat of jumping from the edge of space. 天空不是菲利克斯鲍加特纳的极限,他的英勇壮举是从太空边缘跳下,成为史上用跳伞超越声速的第一人。
The veteran skydiver was in freefall for four minutes and 20 seconds before opening his red and white parachute and floating down to the desert in the US state of New Mexico. 这位资深的跳伞员以自由落体飞行了4分钟20秒,随后打开了红白相间的降落伞,最终降落在了美国新墨西哥州的沙漠里。
Many people were surprised last week to learn that Alan Eustace had successfully outdone Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner by setting a new world record for high-altitude skydiving with his death-defying jump from the edge of the stratosphere. 上周,许多人非常惊讶地获悉,艾伦•尤斯塔斯无畏地从平流层上一跃而下,成功超越了奥地利跳伞运动员菲利克斯•鲍姆加特纳创造的高空跳伞世界纪录。
But last year Harry found a new skydiver's club near his home. 但是去年,哈利发现他家附近有一家新开的跳伞运动俱乐部。