Housing prices are skyrocketing these days. 现时房价疯长。
Still, reduced valuations do offer new investors a reduced entry point into formerly skyrocketing markets. 不过,缩水的估值确实能给新的投资者一个较低的门槛,让他们进入这个曾经高涨的市场。
The skyrocketing price of gasoline has forced many Americans to cut back their long-distance trips. 汽油的猛涨使许多美国人减少长途的旅行。
Apart from food, complaints have also targeted skyrocketing prices for accommodation and fees at tourist sites. 除了食物之外,投诉也针对暴涨的住宿价格和旅游点收费。
With skyrocketing health care costs, those with low incomes often cannot afford insurance. 随着医疗费用飞涨,低收入者往往无法负担保险。
The surge in consumption has sent prices skyrocketing. 消费量的激增使价格一路飙升。
This charm has provided vigorous ground of civilization for the skyrocketing economy of Zhe Lin in new century. 这底蕴,更为柘林新世纪的经济腾飞,提供了强劲的人文底气。
Skyrocketing newsprint costs will be the major cause. 其中新闻印刷成本的飞涨是主要的原因。
And with demand skyrocketing, some dealers say they're facing a supply shortage. 随着需求的飞速攀升,一些商家声称自己碰上了货源短缺的问题。
Prices skyrocketing would cut into people's profit. 物价飞涨会损害人民的利益。
On the national interest, skyrocketing prices does not favor long-time stable dominant and the economical positive cycle. 就国家利益来说,物价飞涨不利于长久稳定的统治和经济的良性循环。
This is due to skyrocketing medical costs and the high cost of health insurance. 这缘于飞涨的药品价格及高额的医疗保险。
Even today, with trade skyrocketing, surprisingly few Indian businessmen and academics have been to China. 即使在现在,两国贸易急速增长,但奇怪的是,印度商人或学者中很少有人去过中国。
Second, it would discourage the US government from deficit spending and prevent skyrocketing government debts. 第二,这将劝阻美国政府寅吃卯粮,防止政府债务猛增。
Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing. 能量和原材料价格飞涨。
Their heart rates are skyrocketing. 他们的心跳加速了。
After enormous efficiency gains since 2001 there is no fat left and skyrocketing oil prices are changing everything. 在自2001年大幅提高效率后,就没有什么油水了。不断飙升的油价改变了一切。
Tighter mortgage loan could hardly restrain such demand and check the skyrocketing price. 收紧房贷很难有效约束这类购房需求,从而约束房价的飞涨。
The economy has been restrained by attempts to curb real estate speculation, as skyrocketing house prices have triggered dissatisfaction in many cities. 政府旨在遏制房地产投机的努力,抑制了经济增长,扶摇直上的房价在许多城市引发了不满情绪。
One can not have a skyrocketing rise in study, just like Rome was not built in a day. 在学习上不可能一步登天,要知道“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。
A major consequence of having a poorly managed system in the three countries being funded has been skyrocketing costs. 这三个国家管理不良的制度所造成的一个主要后果是不断暴涨的成本。
Every corner of the global is now struggling with a skyrocketing prevalence of obesity and overweight. 如今,全球各地都面临肥胖症和超重发病率飙升问题。
This isn't an idle concern, since recent history demonstrates how damaging skyrocketing oil prices can be. 这也不是虚无的担心,因为最近历史显示了高油价会带来多坏的影响。
Recent years have seen serious strain put on fan loyalty, with skyrocketing salaries and two damaging player strikes. 近年来,球员的天价薪水和两次破坏严重的球员罢工给球迷的忠诚度带来严峻考验。
The city's skyrocketing land values have dissuaded many artists and art collectors from moving to Shanghai. 上海寸土寸金的地价无疑限制了艺术家在上海的发展与投资。
Opportunity comes from the skyrocketing market demand while challenge hides in tougher technical difficulties and increasing market competitors. 机遇是市场需求量猛增,挑战是技术难度高了、市场对手多了。
The number of tourists to China is skyrocketing this year. 今年到中国观光的游客数量正在急速上升。
Skyrocketing food prices have increased attention to the larger challenge of overcoming hunger and malnutrition, the "Forgotten" U.N.Millennium Development Goal ( MDG). 食品价格飞涨增加了对战胜饥饿与营养不良的巨大挑战的关注,这是“被遗忘”的千年发展目标。
How many persons are confident of silver investment as silver price is skyrocketing? 白银价格涨势迅猛,有多少人对投资白银拥有信心呢?
America used to have it all: good jobs, booming economy, skyrocketing stock market and plentiful housing. 以前美国拥有好的工作,繁荣的经济,飙升的股市和大量的房子。