Of course you can register a new application with the Skyway generated CRUD application. 当然您可以使用Skyway生成的CRUD应用程序来注册一个新的应用程序。
The Skyway integration with Rational Software Architect is bidirectional, and you are able to send the generated classes back into the application model. 但由于Skyway与RationalSoftwareArchitect之间的集成是双向的,您实际上可以将这些生成的类反向发送回应用程序模型中去。
Skyway provided two hooks for this. Skyway为它提供了两种hook。
For installing the Skyway Builder request for a test drive and follow the installation instructions. 为了对测试驱动安装SkywayBuilder请求,请遵循安装指导。
You need a Skyway project for the transformation of the UML application model. 您需要一个UML应用程序模型转换的Skypeway项目。
Thank you for flying with Skyway Airlines. 感谢您乘坐航路航空公司的航班。
I am aware that Skyway are working on adding some scripting support to their tool based on the Roo syntax. 我知道Skyway正增加一些脚本,支持其基于Roo语法的工具。
Skyway Builder users generally create a diagrammatic representation of the desired application functionality. SkywayBuilder的用户通常都为所期望应用功能创建一个图形表示。
Although the sender and Skyway have taken every reasonable precaution, thee e-mail and attachments may have some errors or omissions and may contain viruses. 本邮件发件人及天维业已采取了适当的预防措施,但本邮件及其附件内容仍可能存在错误、遗漏或者隐含病毒。
The weak in theory and the blind in practice, which makes the constrcut of the skyway system, stands in elementary step. 理论阶段的薄弱以及实践环节的盲从使得空中步行系统的建设停滞于初级阶段,而不能得到全方位的发展。