The Implementation of High Speed Slant-range Calculation in Synthetic Aperture Sonar with FPGA 合成孔径声纳中高速距离求解的FPGA实现
By comparing the adjacent measurements performed by this mobile lidar in slant range and vertical range, the results show great feasibility of the slant-range measurement and data processing method. 将该雷达相近时间内斜程测量与垂直测量的数据进行对比,结果表明此斜程探测及数据处理方法是合理可行的。
INSAR Slant-Range Co-seismic Dislocation Decomposing of the M_S8.1 Earthquake in the West of Kunlun Mt. Pass 昆仑山口西MS8.1地震INSAR斜距向同震位错分解
Different data sets relative to the same scene acquired with different view angles can be exploited to improve slant-range resolution of SAR in broadside mode. 在正侧视模式下,以不同视角对同一地域进行观测可获得多组回波数据,通过对多组回波数据的综合处理可提高SAR的距离向分辨力。