He accused Mr MacGregor of 'sleight of hand'. 他指控麦格雷戈先生“使用障眼法”。
The sleight of hand is politically convenient but increases complexity, creates unfairness and opens opportunities for tax avoidance. 玩弄手腕是政治上的需要,但它加大了复杂性,导致不公,并为逃税创造了机会。
Even the numbering of the floors was a bit of upwardly mobile sleight of hand, calibrated to enhance the perception of what the developer, the Related Companies, marketed as Five Star Living. 就连楼层的编号方式也别出心裁,强化了开发商RelatedCompanies提出的五星级居住环境的营销概念。
Robersdee takes you through some basic sleight of hand and other magic tricks. 魔术大师罗伯斯德将会为你讲解基本戏法和其他一些魔术奥秘。
You know my skill in sleight of hand: I might practise as a conjuror if I liked. ( Ch. Bronte. Villette) 你知道我手法巧妙,假如我喜欢,我本可以当一个魔术家。
When you take away the punch bowl you want to do it with a flourish, not by sleight of hand. 当你拿走宾治盆时,你是希望宴会继续热闹下去,而不是要耍什么伎俩。
By some statistical sleight of hand the government have produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen. 依靠某些统计上的巧妙手法,政府拿出了一些显示最近的失业率下降的数字。
The accepted view of a line that magically divides the developed from the developing worlds has always been illusory, a geopolitical sleight of hand. 发达国家与发展中国家之间存在一条神奇分界线的公认看法,从来都是虚幻的,是一种地缘政治戏法。
Mr Straw, your claims are a sleight of hand. 斯特劳,你的索赔是一个花招。
According to the historian Fernand Braudel, the horrified Fuggers thought this an unworkable sleight of hand. 据历史学家费尔南布罗代尔(fernandbraudel)称,惊骇的富格尔家族认为这是一种行不通的诡计。
He makes a coin disappear by sleight of hand. 他一转手便把硬币变得没了。
Who will name the new world order? The accepted view of a line that magically divides the "developed" from the "developing" worlds has always been illusory, a geopolitical sleight of hand. 谁将为新的世界秩序命名?“发达”国家与“发展中”国家之间存在一条神奇分界线的公认看法,从来都是虚幻的,是一种地缘政治戏法。
He switched the watches by sleight of hand. 他一转手就把两只表调换过来。
He used sleight of hand to make the card disappear. 他手法敏捷地把牌变没了。
He enjoyed sleight of hand and card tricks but his favourite illusion was the zombie floating ball, where he would conjure a white ball to rise through the air to the audience's delight and surprise. 他热衷于各式魔术手法和纸牌技巧,但他最喜爱的魔术是僵尸浮球通过施魔法让一个白球在空中冉冉升起,引得观众喝彩连连、惊讶不已。
The sleight of hand, appearance and disappearance of objects, and gestures were all timed precisely and exactly coordinated to the music. 他娴熟的手法,物体的出现和消失和手势,都和音乐达到了精确的同步和完美的协调。
Socrates wins the argument in Book I with a kind of, you might even say, sleight of hand. 苏格拉底赢得了第一册的辩论,你可能会说,这个作法是花招。
Harry Potter may have been a Blairite phenomenon, conquering the world with sleight of hand and boyish allure. 《哈利波特》也许是一种布莱尔主义现象,用戏法和孩子气的诱惑控制世界。
Try any sleight of hand with my money* And I'll cut your throat. 敢对我的钱耍什么花招的话,我就剪断你的喉咙。
The critical reader may feel that there is a certain amount of sleight of hand in this derivation. 严格的读者可能会觉得在这一推导中使用了一些手法。
No, but that was real good sleight of hand distracting me with the wallet. 不在,但是用钱包这招来骗我还真是个不错的主意。
So, is the dreaded collateralised debt obligation, that clever sleight of hand that helped drive the US housing market into the stratosphere, creeping into China? 这么说,令人畏惧的债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations,cdo)将美国住房市场推上“巅峰”的聪明技巧正在潜入中国吗?
This might be irritating, except he performs his verbal sleight of hand with such charm. 这或许令人恼火,只是他的言谈如此富有魅力。
For all of your co-workers who haven't opened the message yet, you can play an e-mail sleight of hand and replace the original message with one containing the attachment. 对于还没有打开该邮件的所有同事,您可以利用电子邮件的这一神奇功能,用包含附件的邮件替换原始邮件。
But it amounts to little more than sleight of hand in a crisis where clarity and resolve would do much more to restore confidence. 但这种解决方案充其量只相当于玩弄一个手段,而在这场危机中,更有助于恢复信心的是明确和决心。
Transformers were a total sleight against god. 变形金刚当然是对上帝不敬的诡计。
When the crisis struck, banks found either that the assets were still sitting on their own balance sheets or that their sleight of hand had returned as reputational damage. 当危机来袭时,银行发现,要么这些资产仍在自己的资产负债表上,要么自己的把戏让自己的名声大大受损。
In the theater of the media there is an economic sleight of hand. 传播媒介在经济上耍了一个大花招。
Besides, it is important to ascertain the model parameter, but in practice the parameter always changes largely, which makes infection to the result, because of sampling and test instrument and test method and process and the sleight degree of workers and so on. 此外,在计算模型参数确定的过程中,由于取样制样、试验仪器、试验方法与过程、试验人员操作熟练程度等诸多因素,使各个参数变化较大,对计算结果会有一定影响。