I told Susie to avoid those city slickers with their smooth talk and fancy clothes. 我告诉苏西不要和那些油嘴滑舌、衣着讲究的城里人出去玩。
For example, the city slickers have smaller territories, live at higher densities and live for longer than their rustic cousins. 比如,城市佬们地盘更小,居住密度更大,更长寿。
City slickers are more likely to keep up with the Joneses than the rural people. 城市人的攀比心要比农村人强的多。
The intend to prevent people speculators, property developers, city slickers from borrowing large sums of money. 他们打算阻止人们投机商、房地产开发者以及精明的城里人借用大笔资金。
This growing phenomenon gives city slickers a taste of rural life while helping farmers diversify their revenue stream. 日渐兴盛的旅游在帮助农民收入的也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。
To his admirers, Mr Huang is a self-made man defending his company against Wall Street slickers. 在他的仰慕者眼中,黄光裕是一个靠自我奋斗取得成功的人,正努力保护自己的公司抵御华尔街骗子的魔爪。
Think of a group of Beijing bikers on a rainy day, all clad in slickers. 设想在一个下雨天的北京,骑车人都穿着雨衣。