But while a new study has confirmed that French women are indeed the slimmest in western Europe, their slenderness, it has found, comes at a cost: they also worry the most about their weight. 研究发现,法国女性虽然确实在欧洲最为苗条,但这也不是白来的,她们对于自己体重的关注也是欧洲之冠。
The competition is fierce, leaving banks with the slimmest of interest margins. 竞争相当激烈,使得银行的利差降到了最低限度。
NIS2009 is definitely the slimmest, most unobtrusive Norton ever, yet its protection is top-notch where it counts. NIS2009毫无疑问是诺顿至今为止最小巧,最安静,低调的产品,但是保护仍旧是顶级水准。
Our chances of winning are slim, we have only the slimmest chance. 我们获胜的机会渺茫,仅有微乎其微的机会。
But for one manufacturer at least, not even the slimmest new notebook computers are small enough. 但至少在一个生产厂商看来,即使目前最轻便的笔记本电脑,仍然显得不够小巧。
An Intel engineer hinted to DailyTech that the U3300 will be reserved for the "slimmest of slim" notebooks and tablets. 一位intel的工程师暗示U3300处理器将仅为超薄笔记本和TabletPC提供。
He was returned to Parliament with a decreased majority. The mayor got in by the slimmest of margins 他以有所减少的多数票当选为议员.市长以十分微弱的多数票当
She is the slimmest of the six girl students. 她是这六个女生中最苗条的。
Nokia is also ( finally) taking form factor much more seriously: at10mm thick, the E71 is one of the slimmest Nokia phones to date, and Nokia claims it's the thinnest QWERTY smartphone on the market. 诺基亚还(最后)采取的形式因素,更为严重的:在10毫米厚,e71是其中最薄的诺基亚手机迄今为止,和诺基亚声称它的最薄的QWERTY智能手机在市场上。
Pick a dress that grabs you at your slimmest point. 选择那些能够贴合你的最瘦的部分的衣服。