Her hand touched something cold and slimy. 她的手碰到了一个黏糊糊冷冰冰的东西。
I've worked hard for what I have and I don't want it taken away by some slimy business partner. 我辛辛苦苦才挣到了这一切,我不希望它们被某个卑鄙的生意伙伴夺走。
Mucus is the sticky, slimy stuff that's made inside your nose. You may have another name for nose mucus: snot. 黏液是我们鼻子里黏稠又粘滑的液体,你也可以叫它鼻涕。
I wouldn't work for him. I've heard he's really slimy. 我不要替他工作,我听说他很不正经。
I hate that slimy (-tongued) fellow. 我恨那个油嘴滑舌的家伙。
They're creepy, slimy and altogether ooky, but maggots can save your life. 全身分泌粘液助于爬行的蛆能拯救人类的生命。
The skaters glided across the ice. The slimy snail slid slowly down the slide. 那些滑冰者滑过冰面。粘滑的蜗牛在滑面上慢慢地下滑。
We want it back now, you slimy little shit. 我们现在想要回来,你这个该死的小杂种。
To slip on the slimy seaweed. 在滑溜的海藻上滑倒。
She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes. 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服。
His dreams were populated by slimy, savage things that rose from below. 他的梦中多是一些从地狱里爬上来的黏乎乎的、凶猛异常的东西。
The marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes. 沼泽上的鹰隼低低地飞翔地草地上,已经在寻觅那初醒的脆弱的生物了。
A pool of slimy water beside one of the capped wells shows where the surplus oil was dumped. 一口封口的油井旁是一塘脏水黏糊糊,显示剩余的石油被抛弃了。
They breed near stagnant water, such as a slimy pond. 它们在死水附近孳生,例如在烂泥塘边上。
Mucopolysaccharides are gelatinous, slimy, or sticky molecules composed of units or that are related to hexoses. 粘多糖是一种胶质粘稠的分子,其单体分子与己糖有关。
A stringy slimy substance consisting of yeast cells and bacteria; forms during fermentation and is added to cider or wine to produce vinegar. 一种纤维质粘稠物质,含酵母细胞和菌,在发酵过程中形成,加入苹果酒和葡萄酒中产生醋。
They are in ably silty in build slimy house, open a spiracle in corresponding place only, this. 它们巧妙地在淤泥中构筑泥屋,仅在相应的地方开一个呼吸孔,这。
A slimy substance covered the rocks. 被粘稠物质覆盖的岩石。
Pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses. 池塘浮垢;生成绿色粘乎乎一片的常见淡水藻。
The pool water should be clear, not cloudy and the tiles should not be slippery or slimy. 泳池的水应该清澈,不能浑浊,表面不能滑腻或者黏糊糊。
Fishes with slimy mucus-covered skin; found in warm American Atlantic coastal waters. 身上有黏液的鱼;产于美洲大西洋温暖沿海水域。
The slimy pavement looked like a wet mackintosh. 粘搭搭的人行道看来象一件湿雨衣。
As every slimy weasel will tell you, there is an art to being a good gossip. 每位臭黄鼠狼都会告诉你,成为一流的八卦散布者是门艺术。
The slimy snail slid slowly down the slide. 粘滑的蜗牛在滑面上慢慢地下滑。
He pulled some slimy string inside me. 他用卑劣的手段巴结我。
Bottom-dwelling fish having scaleless slimy skin and a broad thick head with a wide mouth. 头宽而扁平、嘴很宽、体表有粘液但无鳞的底栖鱼。
Any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell. 各种陆栖的腹足动物,身体粘滑而细长,无外壳。
I can't stand the slimy feel of seaweed underneath my feet. 我无法忍受脚下海草那黏乎乎的感觉。
The snake's skin was scaly and dry, not wet and slimy as I had thought. 这条蛇的皮干燥又有鳞片,不是我原先以为的湿湿黏黏的。