Robert lost his footing and slithered down the bank. 罗伯特失足滑下了河岸。
The snake slithered into the water. 蛇滑入了水中。
As he slithered across the mud I gained on him. 当他在泥泞中滑行的时候,我超过了他。
I can't remember the last time I got dressed up, but this evening I dug out my one fancy spaghetti-strap dress from the bottom of my backpack and slithered it on. 我不记得上回盛装出门是何时的事了,但这天晚上,我从行李箱底翻出自己唯一的一件细肩带时髦洋装,穿上了它。
The snake slithered away as we approached. 我们一走近,蛇就爬走了。
I squeezed and slithered to reach you. 我在蠕动着向你靠近。
A Swiss regional train has been out of service for nearly a week since a pet snake slithered from its owner's bag and hid in the partition wall of the carriage. 一条宠物蛇从乘客的袋子中溜出,藏在夹板里不肯出来,为此,瑞士一列当地的火车已经被迫停运一周。
It slithered around, and sweat rolled down his forehead as it poked its forked tongue towards him. 它在马克身上爬行,并对他吐出分岔的舌信,汗珠从马克的额头上滴落。
When Jesus died on the cross, Mary Magdalene was there, even though most of "the Twelve" had slithered away into hiding. 耶稣死在十字架上时,抹大拉的马利亚在场,但当时的「十二门徒」大部分已躲藏起来,不见影踪。
Years passed, and I slithered from sea to river to lake, till at last I came here, following the drifts and tumblings of the Grail. 时光荏苒,和圣杯一起,随着水流从海洋漂到河流,又从河流漂到湖泊,一直到这里。
"The detached crystals slithered down the rock face for a moment and then made no further sound"( H.G.Wells). The word can also suggest the sinuous, gliding motion of a reptile. “散开的晶体在岩石表面滑了一段时间就再也没有声音了”(H·G·威尔斯)。这个词还可以指爬行动物蜿蜒,滑行的动物。
When you feel a gnawing sense of loss or despair in relation to being a Course student, it is because the ego slithered its way into becoming your study partner. 若你在修习《奇迹课程》时感到痛苦的失落和沮丧,一定是小我已经溜进来,假扮成你的学习夥伴了。
He slithered off like a sick snake through a hole in the Wilson's fence. 他像条病蛇一样滑进威尔逊的篱笆洞里。
In this case, the frightened divers pelted the animal with sticks and rocks until it slithered away into the island. 在这种情况下,心惊胆战的潜水员们用木棍和石头打它直到它蜿蜒窜进小岛中。
They slithered down the grassy bank. 他们沿着长满草的河岸滑下来。
The car slithered to a halt. 汽车滑行着停住了。
The snake raised its head as if to strike, but then it hissed viciously and slithered out of the room. 它抬起头,似乎是要展开攻击,但只是恶狠狠的嘶嘶叫了几声然后就爬出去了。
What if it slithered through the window instead, crept up behind him, and struck him with its venomous fangs? 如果它从窗户进来,在身后爬到自己身上用毒牙攻击自己那该怎么办呢?
Far from speeding up, the tank slithered to a halt. 坦克非但没有加快速度,反而在摇摇晃晃地滑行一段以后停了下来。
We slithered down the muddy slope. 我们摇晃地滑下泥泞的斜坡。
What if it slithered to the top of the wardrobe and dropped down from above? 或者,那条蛇要是先爬到衣柜上然后再从上面下来呢?