VERB 无精打采地坐着(或站着) If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive.
Try not to slouch when you are sitting down... 坐的时候尽量不要无精打采的。
She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter. 最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。
Slouch is also a noun.
He straightened himself from a slouch. 他一改刚才的无精打采,挺直了腰杆。
VERB 无精打采地走;懒洋洋地走 If someone slouches somewhere, they walk around slowly with their shoulders and head bent looking lazy or bored.
Most of the time, they slouch around in the fields... 他们绝大多数时间都无精打采地走在田间。
Scowling, the lad slouched over. 这个小家伙愁眉苦脸,一副垂头丧气的样子。
PHRASE 擅长;愿意卖力工作;手脚勤快麻利 If you say that someone is no slouch at a particular activity, you mean that they are skilful at it or are willing to work hard at it.
The Welsh are no slouches at cooking. 威尔士人在烹饪方面可是好手。
Look at your favorite movie stars and athletes, do you see them slouching, shoulders rounded, back curved? 看看你所喜爱的电影明星和运动员们,你可曾见过他们蔫儿不啦叽、耷拉着双肩、弓着背的样子?
Slouching can make you look less professional and can possibly make you look less confident and enthusiastic. 没精打采的样子会让你显得不专业,也许也会让你显得缺乏自信和热情。
Sit or stand up straight and avoid slouching. 坐着和站着的时候要笔直,不要没精打采。
No slouching, hands out of pockets, and head held up high. It's not just a cliche you literally feel better and people around you feel more confident in you. 不要没精打采的,把手从裤兜里掏出来,把头抬高。这不仅是陈词滥调你真的会觉得更好,你身边的人也会对你有更多的信心。
Identical to traditional meetings, employees stand up rather than slouching in their chairs. As a result, they are more focused especially useful for employees who inadvertently give in. 除了开会时员工需要站着而不是窝在椅子里,其他都和传统的会议相同。这样,与会者会更专心,尤其对于那些不经意间会走神的员工。
But the man who regularly plays in ripped jeans and has a reputation for slouching in his chair during matches does not rely on computer analysis nearly as much as his opponents and pays relatively little attention to opening theory. 不过,这位惯于在打比赛时身着乞丐装牛仔裤、并以懒洋洋靠在椅上而闻名的选手,并不像他的对手那样依赖计算机分析。他对开局理论的关注几乎为零。
By preventing the wearer from slouching, the clothes help people improve their posture in the long run. 这种衬衫通过阻止人们驼背来帮助改善长期坐姿。
When you feel yourself slouching, poke your chest out. 当您感到自己含胸时,挺起您的胸膛。
In the recliner you should be able to move freely, change positions, and the height of the armrest should allow you to rest your arms without slouching your shoulders. 您可以能够自由移动、改变位置、调整扶手的高度,可以让您的双臂得很好的休息。
You may be slouching because you're tired, but people may read it as a sign that you're not interested. 当你弓背,这可能由于疲劳,但人们从中获得的信号是你缺乏兴趣。
What do you think you are doing slouching across the parade ground like a bay of rags? broken-field running. 像一袋破布一样零零散散、没精打采地走过排练场,你们以为你们在干什么?
You've got to stop slouching and sit up straight. 你得坐下,不要无精打采的。
First off, both people have to sit off to the side of the display, which can cause leaning, slouching, and twisting to get into a position to both see and type. 首先,两个人都并非正对显示器,而是偏向显示器的边缘,在敲打键盘或观察显示器时,将会引起相互倚靠、懒散及扭头等情况的发生。
Behind the police car followed the black dog, slouching its tail, barking sorrowfully. 车的后面大黑狗哀哀地叫着,尾巴耷拉着。
Lifeless body, slouching dead lecherous abcess, where you once had a head! 无生命的死尸,无奈地诉说着死亡,无头的你很淫邪!
He acquired a slouching gait, and ignoble look. 他学了一套萎靡不振的走路样子和一种不体面的神气。
Joan Didion established her fame in new-journalism and prose writing after the publication of her collection Slouching Towards Bethlehem. 《向伯利恒跋涉》一书确立了狄第恩在新新闻和散文创作上的地位。
Michael: You think I am slouching when I stand? 迈克尔:你觉得我站的时候站不直?
He was tall and bulky, but he walked with a slouching gait. 他身材高大,但是走起路来却是无精打采的样子。
Yet, in spite of its awkward, slouching gait, the hyena can run surprisingly quickly. 鬣狗的步履笨拙,懒散,然而跑起来速度惊人。
With a slouching gait or posture. 以没精打采的步态或者姿势。
Though I knew my daughters would already be safely at school, and that my husband would surely still be slouching around in his pyjamas at home, I had to check. 我知道我女儿此时应该平安地到达学校,我丈夫也应该睡眼惺忪,穿着睡衣在家晃悠,但我还得核实一下。