To dress or finish ( cloth) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, or loose threads. 消除扭结通过除去斑块、纱节或松开线头来制作或修饰(衣服)
The effect yarn, which makes the loops, is made of either a single or a ply and may be soft, fluffy or tightly twisted. To dress or finish ( cloth) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, or loose threads. 用于起圈的饰纱,可以是单纱,也可以是股线;可以结构松散,也可以具有较高的捻度。消除扭结通过除去斑块、纱节或松开线头来制作或修饰(衣服)
The relationship between the drawing force of back zone of spinning frame and yarn quality is close, the short and long slubs of 100 kilo meter yarn faults can be reduced by controlling the tension and the speed of automatic winding machine and using the right electronic cleaner 细纱机后区牵伸力的设定与成纱质量关系密切;控制好自动络筒机张力与速度、用好清纱器可有效去除10万m纱疵中的短粗节和长粗节
A RESEARCH ON THE ORIGIN OF YARN HAIRINESS AT RING SPINNING Analysis of the Formation of Fuzzy Yarns and Slubs 环锭细纱毛羽形成因素研究细纱毛羽、粗细节产生原因的剖析
Single yarn strength CV, yarn weight CV, evenness CV, slubs and yarn defects closely relate with rotor spinning yarn quality. 单强CV值与质量CV值、条干CV值、粗细节、纱疵密切相关,是衡量气流纱质量的重要指标;
However, not much research on other indexes of spinning yarn quality such as limit count, slubs, and neps were conducted, especially in China. 对其它的成纱品质的质量指标如可纺支数、粗节、棉结等的预测模型研究的比较少,尤其是国内的相关报道就更少。