Four candidates are slugging it out in a dirty campaign. 4名候选人将在一场肮脏的竞选中一决高下。
The chart shows batting average ( AVG), on-base percentage ( OBP), and slugging percentage ( SLG). 该图表显示了平均打击率(AVG)、上垒率(OBP)和多垒安打率(SLG)。
Private equity firms engaged in an unusual bidding battle this year: slugging it out over an upmarket chain of private hospitals in China. 私人股本公司今年投入到了一场不寻常的竞标战中:它们要在中国民营医院的高端产业链上一决胜负。
Blackie, him that's Blindy now, and this other boy Willie Sawyer, and they were slugging and kneeing and gouging and biting and I see one of Blackie's eyes hanging down on his cheek. 布兰奇,如今叫盲汉了,还有那个叫威利·索亚的家伙,两人又打又踢,又抓又咬,我看到布兰奇的一个眼珠掉了出来挂在脸上。
Slugging is usually undesirable. 通常不希望发生腾涌。
As an example consider slugging, a phenomenon strongly affected by the vessel geometry. 例如腾涌这种现象就受容器几何尺寸很大影响。
Clogged pipes backed up drain water. Slug velocity of severe slugging in pipeline-riser system 阻塞的水管堵塞了沟水。上升管系统中严重段塞流的液塞速度特性
The Effect of Pipeline Structure on Severe Slugging Flow Characteristics 管道结构对严重段塞流流动特性的影响规律研究
The attack is the latest of many in the south, where Canadian, British, American, Dutch and other soldiers have been have been slugging it out with Taliban militants. 最近加拿大,英国,美国,荷兰士兵们和塔利班武装在阿富汗南部进行了激烈的战斗,而这次袭击是最近多次袭击中的一次。
Slug velocity of severe slugging in pipeline-riser system According to field experiments, slug flow parameters depend on pipe diameter, velocity and viscosity of gas or liquid phase and so on. 上升管系统中严重段塞流的液塞速度特性现场实践表明,段塞长度不仅与管径有关,而且还与气液相速度和气液相粘度等有关。
Within these two broad categories, competing technologies are slugging it out. 在这两大类的电视内,不同的技术之间也竞争激烈。
Slugging is especially serious in long, narrow fluidized beds. 在细而高的流化床中,腾涌现象特别严重。
Somewhere in the world there is a parent who is slugging his kid every night. 世界的某个角落,有个家长每晚都打孩子。
He's not a home run hitter but has a high slugging percentage. 他不擅长全垒打,但击球成功率很高。
On the contrary, beds of large uniformly sized solids often fluidize poorly with bumping, spouting and slugging. 相反,均匀大颗粒床层常常由于碰撞、喷射和腾涌而流化不好。
Four flow regime as packed bed, spouting-moving bed, spouted bed with pulsation and slugging bed are observed when auxiliary and spouting gas velocities are changed into different levels. 随着辅助气速和喷动气速的改变,可观察到床中粒子处于固定床、稳定喷动床、脉动喷动床、腾涌床四种不同的流动状态。
Experimental study of characteristic parameters of severe slugging in riser-pipe systems 强烈段塞流特征参数试验研究
Experimental study of severe slugging in pipeline-riser system 集输-上升管路系统严重段塞流实验研究
It has shown that gas-solid fluidized bed with large-particle is stable in bubbling regime and liable to slugging fluidization, so it had better be operated in shallow fluidized bed and low operating fluidizing number. 研究结果表明:大颗粒气固流化床平稳地运行在鼓泡床阶段,但较易发生节涌现象,适合浅床操作,且操作流化数较低;
Problems as low combustion efficiency, bad part-load operating performance, too much pollutants emission, and high temperature corrosion and slugging on water wall surface occurred in many domestic coal fired boilers. 国内相当一部分燃煤锅炉存在燃烧效率低、低负荷稳燃性能差、污染物排放量大以及炉膛水冷壁易结渣和高温腐蚀等一系列问题。
Study on dynamics of pressure fluctuations for slugging fluidized bed ( I) fluctuation mechanism and mathematical model 节涌流化床压力波动动力学研究(Ⅰ)波动机理与数学模型
A mathematical model is proposed for the absence of partial fluidization and channeling in the bed. 2. The cuttings will pass 4 phases which including channeling, slugging, bursting apart, getting together. 提出了避免床层发生局部死床和沟流的数学模型.2.开泵过程中,沉积在井底的岩屑一般经历沟流、节涌、崩裂、聚团流动四个阶段;
Therefore, this characteristics reflect the assemblage of adularia-calcite is an inevitable product of the fluidization process from expanding, bubbling to slugging. 这种蚀变、减压振动角砾岩空间分布特征,反映了冰长石&方解石蚀变组合是流体化的膨胀到节涌过程的必然产物。
Simultaneously, it is found that the main body motion ( slug motion and cluster motion) in the slugging fluidized bed and in the circulating fluidized bed has high dimensional chaotic characteristic. Thus the time-delay reconstruction method is not suitable for revealing this kind of chaotic characteristic. 研究同时还表明节涌床和循环床中的主体运动(气栓运动和絮状物运动)具有高维混饨特征,延迟重构法不宜用来揭示这种混饨特征。
Experimental investigation and Simulation of severe slugging in pipeline-riser system 集输管路上升管系统严重段塞流实验和理论模拟
Slugging test method for determining permeability coefficient of unconfined aquifer 确定含水层渗透系数的冲击试验方法
An experimental investigation on severe slugging in pipeline-riser systems was conducted at Multiphase Flow Lab in China University of Petroleum ( East China), in order to study the fluctuation characteristics of pressure and liquid holdup for severe slugging. 利用中国石油大学(华东)自主设计的试验装置,对严重段塞流的压力及持液率波动特性进行了初步研究。
Development of Experimental Investigation on Eliminating Methods of Severe Slugging Flow 强烈段塞流消除方法的试验研究进展
It was found that the occurring range of severe slugging, especially the SS I, become smaller when bypass-pipe opened. 研究发现,实验管段开旁通管后会缩小严重段塞流的发生范围,特别是严重段塞流流型Ⅰ的范围显著缩小。
The abduction slug impacts on bottom of riser pipe heavily and influences the period characteristic of severe slugging. 气速诱导液塞会对立管底部产生很大的冲击,同时会对严重段塞流的周期特性产生影响。