He slurped down a cup of sweet, black coffee. 他咕嘟咕嘟地喝下了一杯加糖的清咖啡。
He picked up the big bowl of porridge and slurped it down. 他端起那大碗粥,稀里呼噜地喝起来。
For lunch at the IBM labs in Yorktown Heights I slurped down that one and another tasty Watson invention: Swiss/ Thai asparagus quiche. Not bad! It's unlikely that either one would ever have occurred to humans. 在约克城高地的IBM实验室里,我享用了这道菜,也吃了另一款由沃森创造出的美味菜肴:瑞士/泰式芦笋乳蛋饼。
Consumers last year slurped down more than$ 100 million worth of Dannon's Activia, a yogurt containing what the Web site impressively calls "billions" of beneficial microbes in every container. 消费者去年喝下了价值100万美元的Dannon'sActivia,一种网上极力宣称的每盒拥有数十亿有益菌的酸奶。
Richard slurped the milkshake noisily. 理查德出声地喝奶昔。
Can you imagine how noisy it would be if everyone slurped his food at dinner? 你能想像如果每个人晚餐时都吃出声音的话,那会有多吵吗?