A sovereign government can, if it chooses, insist that smallholdings be set aside for peasant farmers. 只要它愿意,一个主权国家可坚持为小农留出小片农田。
In Zhejiang, one of China's largest tea-growing and richest provinces, there are over 1m smallholdings, each averaging less than 0.2 hectares. 浙江省是中国的产茶大省和最富裕的省份之一,那里有100多万家小茶园,平均面积不足0.2公顷。
Many commentators are also suggesting that Tohoku experiment with new agricultural regulations, overturning laws that make it difficult to combine smallholdings into larger tracts of land that could be farmed more efficiently. 许多评论家也建议在东北地区实验农业新法规,推翻导致小块农田难以合并成为耕作效率更高的大面积农田的法规。