Their tough, hostile faces, smirched by the grime and rust ( bHenry Roth) 他们生硬、敌视、沾满污垢和铁锈的脸庞(b亨利罗斯)
Sondra Finchley tried to make something of him in order to spite me principally, and so getting herself smirched. 桑德拉·芬琪雷,想帮他弄出点名堂来。主要是为了对付我却弄得自己也身败名裂。
The fair name of the city would be smirched. 本城的名誉要遭受玷污。
Oil-smeared work clothes; hostile faces smirched by the grime and rust-henry roth; ink-smudged fingers. 满是油污的工作服;敌人的脸被烟尘和铁锈弄脏了&亨利罗斯;沾满墨水的手指。