Small smooth-haired breed of African origin having a tightly curled tail and the inability to bark. 非洲种的皮毛光滑的小狗,尾巴紧紧卷曲,不能发声。
Gerald's sharp blue eyes noticed how efficiently his neighbors'houses were run and with what ease the smooth-haired wives in rustling skirts managed their servants. 杰拉尔德那双锐利的天蓝色眼睛意识到左邻右舍的房子收拾得那么整洁,那些头发梳得溜光、裙子啊啊啊啊响的主妇们那么从容地管理着他们的仆人。
Smooth-haired breed of hound with short legs and long ears. 短腿、长耳、毛发光滑的猎狗。