When he had gathered a heap he built a fire,-a smouldering, smudgy fire,-and put a tin pot of water on to boil. 后来,他收集了一堆,就升起一蓬火一蓬不旺的,冒着黑烟的火并且放了一白铁罐子水在上面煮着。
Her face was smudgy with tears. 她的脸被眼泪弄得脏兮兮的。
I could tell it was a forged note because the ink was smudgy. 我看得出这张便条是伪造的,因为墨水印模糊不清。
You know what it is? It's smudgy because they're fax pages. 你知道为什么吗?字糊了因为是传真的。
Second, the range of containing punished in public security management loses contact with reality, smudgy, the basis to punish is ambiguously in public security management; 二是治安管理处罚的涵盖范围脱离实际、模糊不清,治安管理处罚依据含糊;
The coagulation zone was adjacent to the carbonization zone, and showed cell distortion, dense and tilt arrangement of endocervical cells, elongation of cells, deepening in stain, mild enlargement and twist of the nuclei, and smudgy of nuclear chromatin. 凝固区在碳化区旁,表现为细胞错乱,数层细胞紧密单向性倾斜排列,细胞拉长,着色加深,胞核轻微扭曲增大,染色质模糊不清似烟雾状。
In this process, international legal normses between the sovereign state already very difficult to separate completely international community ones own municipal law sovereign state, "the demarcation line between international law and municipal law is becoming smudgy". 在这一进程中,主权国家各自的国内法和国际社会主权国家之间的国际法律规范已很难截然分开了,国际法与国内法之间的界限正在变得模糊不清。