The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care. “全球蛇咬伤行动”正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的实用性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。
To help improve the situation, experts have formed an international project called the Global Snakebite Initiative. 为了改善这种状况,专家们提出了一项名为“全球蛇咬伤行动”的计划。
Objective To discuss a clinical nursing met hod in curing critical patients of snakebite with Hemoperfusion ( HP) treatment. 目的探讨血液灌流(HP)救治重型毒蛇咬伤的临床治疗和护理方法。
It was reputedly used to cure snakebite. 据说这是专治毒蛇咬伤的。
Q: what if there is no medicine for snakebite? 问题:没带着蛇药怎么办?
Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite, are common there. 治疗蛇咬的防毒药品短缺在那里很普遍。
So Moses made a snake of brass and put it on a rod; and anyone who had a snakebite, after looking on the snake of brass, was made well. 摩西便制造一条铜蛇,挂在杆子上。凡被蛇咬的,一望这铜蛇就活了。
The Lancet medical journal recently published a series of reports on snakebite prevention and treatment. 柳叶刀医学杂志新近出版了一系列关于蛇咬伤预防和治疗的相关报告。
A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison. This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite. 解毒药,解毒剂用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药。
"Snakebite: Wound from the Bite of a snake, especially a venomous one." The nurse cleansed the wound for the injured before stitching it. 蛇咬伤被蛇咬后的伤口,通常是指有毒的伤。护士先把伤员的伤口弄干净后再缝合。
Clinical Analysis of Chinese Cobra ( Naja Naja Atra) Snakebite in 62 Cases 中华眼镜蛇咬伤中毒62例的临床分析
This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite. 蛇固然有毒,但可以入药。这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药。
When I was8, just before we left Africa, Georgie was killed by a snakebite. 就在我八岁要离开非洲的时候,乔吉被毒蛇咬死了。
Mechanical Ventilation for Four Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure by Bungarus multicinctus Blyth Snakebite 机械通气救治4例银环蛇咬伤急性呼吸衰竭
Bioecological Examination and Drug Sensitive Analysis on the Ulcer of snakebite 蛇伤溃疡创面细菌生态学调查及药敏分析
It has been used to treat diarrhea, enteritis, scald, snakebite furuncle in Chinese traditional medicine. 民间主要用于治疗痢疾、肠炎、水火烫伤、蛇咬伤、疔疮肿毒等。
The problems about treatment and study of snakebite 蛇伤治疗研究中的误区
Nursing in the emergency treatment of the patient with snakebite by antiophidic serum combined with DXM and procaine 蛇毒血清联合地塞米松与普鲁卡因治疗毒蛇咬伤的急救护理
Penetrating ocular injury caused by venomous snakebite 毒蛇咬伤导致穿通性眼外伤
First-aid care after poisonous snakebite 毒蛇咬伤的急救护理
Study on Platelet Aggregation Function in Patients of Snakebite 毒蛇咬伤病人的血小板聚集功能初探
Study on CPCR For Snakebite Poisoning 蛇伤中毒后的心肺脑复苏研究
In this paper, We reported 20 Agkistrodon acutus snakebite patients complicated with heart harm. 本文报告尖吻蝮咬伤并心脏受累20例。
Clinical Nursing in Curing Critical Patients of Snakebite with Hemoperfusion ( HP) Treatment 血液灌流救治危重型毒蛇咬伤的临床护理
Clinical Research on Treatment of Gravida Woman by Snakebite with Antivenom 精制抗蛇毒血清救治孕妇毒蛇咬伤的临床研究
Experimental Study of Antitoxin and Antisepsis Action for Snakebite Tincture 蛇伤药酒抗毒抗菌作用的实验研究
Four cases report on treatment of sea Snakebite with Antivenom of Hydrophis Cyanocinctus 抗青环海蛇毒血清治疗海蛇咬伤4例报告
Emergency Treatment and Nursing Care of 21 Cases of Snakebite Patients 21例毒蛇咬伤病人的急救与护理