Someone in your house have the sniffles? 有人在你的屋里打喷嚏吗?
And a few sniffles aren't likely to prevent the mighty Russian from beating amateur pawn pushers like you or me into a bloody pulp. 因感冒抽抽鼻子是不可能阻止这位实力强大的俄罗斯人把你我这样的业余无名小卒打得落花流水的。
So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. 德拉这样作了,可精神上的感慨油然而生,生活就是哭泣、抽噎和微笑,尤以抽噎占统治地位。
During this season of holiday travel, when sniffles and delays run rampant, it was like getting an unexpected gift from Santa. 在节日旅行季,航班延误就像感冒一样,已经见怪不怪,而弗拉纳根机长的做法,简直就像是来自圣诞老人的意外礼物。
A key ingredient found in beer, effective against a respiratory virus, may help ward off winter sniffles and cold, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,在啤酒中发现的一种关键成分能有效对抗呼吸道病毒,啤酒可能有助于防治冬日感冒和伤风。
This won't improve the look of your device or maximize value at trade-in but it might spare you the sniffles or worse during cold and flu season. 这并不会改善你手机的外观或者在以旧换新时将价值最大化,但这可以让你在寒冷的流感时节不会出现流鼻涕或者更糟糕的症状。
If you have the sniffles or must come in, cover your mouth and do whatever you can to avoid infecting your coworkers. 感冒了但必须得上班,那就戴上口罩,尽可能避免感染同事。
I had a job speaking at the Denver Convention Center to a couple hundred other people who, like me, were unable to have the sniffles and stay home for Mom to bring us soup. 我的工作是在丹佛会议中心面对几百人做讲解,他们和我一样没能感冒流涕并在家等着妈妈端上热汤来。
Researchers found it may stave off viruses that cause sniffles and sore throats, helping to relieve the symptoms. 科学家们发现葫芦巴可以抵抗引起感冒打喷嚏和嗓子发炎的病毒,有效缓解病症。
They've got the same fever, same sniffles, same crumminess. 他们都是同样的发烧,同样的鼻塞,同样的身体不舒服。
"Their allergens are dispersed in an area through pollen and can cause sniffles or asthmas," said Thomas Fuchs, president of the professional association for Germany allergists. “他们的过敏原通过花粉分散在一个地区,并可能导致类似于哮喘病,”德国过敏症专业协会会长托马斯说福克斯说。
There were a few sniffles in the audience at the end of the play. 在戏剧结尾时,有些观众抽噎起来。
Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. 这就使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽咽和微笑组成的,其中抽咽占主导地位。
You see, life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles*. 大家都知道,人生充满着哭泣,抽泣和微笑。
If Wade could rescue the Heat and cure my daughter's sniffles at the same time, you have to wonder what's next. 如不美观韦德能够拯救热火,同时又能治好我女儿的鼻塞,你就知道接下来还会发生什么。
Staying healthy is an important prevention tactic when it comes to warding off the sniffles, colds and flu. 保持健康是预防打喷嚏、感冒和流感的一种重要预防手段。
Linda cries all day and sniffles audibly around the corner 琳达在拐角处哭了一天并轻声地吸鼻涕
The father is sick with sniffles, the mother has TB. 状况二,父亲哮喘得厉害,母亲是肺结核。
Keep your health strong, because if you feel the sniffles coming on, or are low on sleep, you might feel overwhelmed by the demands on you at the time. 保持你的健康,因为如果你觉得流鼻涕来了,或者是睡眠不足,您可能会感到不知所措的时候对你的要求。