But he staggered under canvas, pulled his boots off, snored on the ground cloth for a while, woke jack with the clacking of his jaw. 他摇摇晃晃地钻出了了帆布帐篷,扯掉靴子,刚在铺在地下的毯子上打了一小会儿呼噜,就上牙嗑下牙地叫醒了杰克。
The study found that 21 percent of the dogs and 7 percent of the cats snored! 研究发现有21%和7%的猫狗打呼噜!
When they came to the meadow, there lay the wolf by the tree and snored so loud that the branches shook. 当它们来到草地上时,狼还躺在大树下睡觉,呼噜声震得树枝直抖。
In fact, one study found that 86 percent of women surveyed said their husbands snored, and half had their sleep interrupted by it. 事实上,一项研究显示,被调查的女性中有86%承认自己的丈夫打鼾,有一半的人因此睡眠受到干扰。
'Yes, you ought, perhaps, to ha' done that, 'snored Sir John. 不错,你也许应该先打听打听的,约翰爵士打着鼾声说。
While the wind and sleet pounded relentlessly on the windows, and Neville snored loudly, Harry stared at the letters in brackets. 狂风裹着雨夹雪,无情地打在窗户上,纳威很响地打着呼噜,哈利盯着括号里的那两个字。
During the night he kicked and snored, grabbing greedily at me with his well-moisturized hands like a child snatching at free candy. 睡觉的时候他不停的打呼噜,又蹬被,用他满是汗渍的双手贪婪的抱着我的身体,就像一个孩子抓到了一个免费的糖果。
No sleep returned until the two fell quiet, she humming to herself while the little frog snored contentedly. 直到这两位平静下来,我才又睡过去。她自吟自唱,而小青蛙心满意足地打鼾。
I don't believe it. I've never snored before. I am not afraid of him, but I doubt him. 我不信,我从来不打鼾的。我不怕他,但我不信任他。
The child with a cold in his nose snored all night. 这孩子感冒了,鼻子整晚都抽个不停。
The prince took a nap and snored under the tree. 王子睡了个午觉,并在树下睡去。
She always accused me of snoring, but she was the one who snored! 她过去总是责备我打鼾,但她自己也打!
He snored all night, and I could not sleep. 他整晚打鼾,我无法睡觉。
Just over one quarter snored more than three nights a week. 有超过四分之一的儿童一周打鼾超过三个晚上。
He himself slept peacefully, and snored aloud; 他自己倒是睡得很香,鼾声震天。
Um, well, she did a monologue on how I snored, and I think I mentioned something to her about that. 呃,好吧,她都做了一开场白说我睡觉打呼,我想我已经就此跟她“备案”过了。
The wily thief, who had been watching her while she carried out the programme he had foreseen, waited only until she snored again, and then took her money and departed. 老谋略深算的小偷,已经知道她拿钱币的整个过程,只等待她再次打呼噜,自己可以拿上钱财走人。
The congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously. 教堂里的会众主要是些响亮地打着鼾的年轻人。
For the first time it struck him with what majestic leisureliness they turned the pages of their books, trifled with their teacups, or lightly snored. 他第一次注意到他们翻阅书本,举怀品茗,或者轻轻打鼾时,全都有多么俨然不可一世的悠闲劲。
In Natalie's room, in a boardinghouse on a side street, an old woman snored in an iron bed. 娜塔丽住的客栈在一条小巷里。她的房间里有一个老妇人正睡在一张铁床上打呼噜。
Bev says in the past she would have to search for another place to sleep when her husband snored. 贝弗说,过去他丈夫打鼾的时候她都不得不另找地方睡觉。
The executor snored out the estate. 遗嘱执行人把遗产分给各个人。
The lazy man snored away the afternoon. 那个懒人整个下午都在呼呼大睡。
Those who snored more than three times a week, 7.4% of the total, were classified as habitual snorers. 那些1周打鼾超过3次者,总数的7.4%,被归类为习惯性打鼾者。
However, children's body mass index had no relationship to whether or not they snored. 然而,儿童的体重指数与其是否打鼾没有关系。