Sustained snores came from the cart-house, where some of the men were lying down; 房里睡着几个男工,可以听见从房内传出来的他们的鼾声;
In the meantime, if your child snores frequently and here she seems to experience learning and/ or behavioral problems, you might consult a sleep specialist to find out whether or not your child has obstructive sleep apnea. 如果你的孩子经常打呼,并且有学习和/或行为方面的问题,你可以去咨询睡眠专家,看看你的孩子是否患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征。
Dudley's snores were drowned by the low rolls of thunder that started near midnight. 半夜的时候,达力的鼾声被低沉的雷声淹没了。
He snores all night long. I can't stand it! 他整晚都会打鼾。我受不了了!
The man snores like a drunken sailor. 那男的打起呼噜就像个喝醉了的水手。
When my uncle snores, you can hear him in the next room. 我叔父打呼噜时,你在隔壁房间里都能听到。
John rarely snores, but last nighthereally started sawing some logs! And it wasnt just any snore. 约翰很少打呼噜的,但是昨天晚上他的呼噜就像是拉锯。
Loud snores from the other room kept her awake It was found that blood pressure of the snoring group did not decrease in the nighttime ( non-dipper). 那边房间有人打鼾声音很大她无法入睡.结果显示鼾症组夜间血压较白昼无明显降低,昼夜节律消失。
I could hear loud snores coming from jim's bedroom. 我能听到从吉姆的房间传来如雷的鼾声。
T he one who snores will fall asleep first. 打酣的那个人先入睡。
Well, he is lazy and snores while sleeping. 嗯,他懒,睡觉时还打呼噜。
Does anyone want to confess to being the one who snores like a freight train? 有没有人坦白自己呼噜打得象火车?
In Alabama a boy who snores saws gourds. 在阿拉巴马州,打鼾的孩子被叫做锯葫芦。
But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. 不过,我得把实话告诉你,这人打呼噜很厉害,过去住隔壁的人还提意见呢。
When he is sawing wood, he really snores. 他熟睡时还真的打鼾呢。
Stentorian snores came from the shadows-Chen Yueh-ngo's elder brother, a stevedore. 昏暗中有鼾声如雷,那是陈月娥的当码头工人的哥哥。
The woman emitted queer regular little snores that sounded like yelps. 她那跟怪叫差不多的鼾声一股一股地从被里冒出来。
Before long I heard snores of contentment coming from the bed beside me. 不一会儿,我听到了从旁边的床上传来的惬意的鼾声。
His snores kept the whole house awake. 他的呼噜声让全屋的人睡不着。
The snores of the other boys sleeping in the tent kept me awake. 睡在帐蓬里其他孩子的鼾声使我睡不着觉。
Article Thirteen: If anyone snores at night, others have the limited right to knock his upper-teeth out. 第十三条:如晚上有人打鼾,只能敲掉其上牙牙齿。
Only snores lightly when asleep; 睡着时轻微地打鼾;
For the husband who snores all night, because he is at home asleep with me and not with someone else. 庆幸有个整夜打呼噜的丈夫,因为他是在家中与我共枕同眠,而不是与其他的人。
Loud snores from the other room kept her awake. 那边房间有人打鼾声音很大她无法入睡。