ADJ 流着鼻涕的;满是鼻涕的 Something that is snotty produces or is covered in snot.
He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough. 他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。
ADJ-GRADED 傲慢自大的;自以为高人一等的 If you describe someone as snotty, you disapprove of them because they have a very proud and superior attitude to other people.
He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough. 他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。
About a month ago Sharon Gilbert was hit with a runny nose, sore throat and a cough. The whole snotty works. 大约在一个月前,莎伦·吉尔伯特(SharonGilbert)出现了流涕、咽喉疼痛、咳嗽等一系列令人烦恼的症状。
I don't want to use your snotty handkerchief! 我不想用你这块沾满鼻涕的手帕!
John thinks I'm so snotty. 约翰认为我很没礼貌。
I would tell everyone you Frenched snotty scotty. 我要告诉每个人你的法国菜里面有鼻涕。
Roberta, he could tell, was in what Cindy called one of her snotty moods. 他听得出罗伯特现在正象辛迪说的是她闹情绪的时候。
And on the other side of the bedroom door the snotty little kids were making chocolate mousse and watching a karate movie. 而在寝室门的另一边,那群流着鼻涕的小屁孩正在做巧克力慕斯,看着空手道电影。
That's right, snotty girl in my yoga class. 比如瑜珈课上那个流鼻涕的女生。
It's a snotty takedown of a straw man. 这完全是是一个无足轻重的人的下贱的贬低。
She's got a rather snotty manner which can be a bit off-putting. 她那种目中无人的行为举止真令人有些厌恶。
They'll come in, make a face, say something snotty. 她们顶多进来做个鬼脸,冷嘲热讽一番。
It goes from your mouth to your ear to your pocket to your desk to your kids snotty hands to random countertops in stores and when was the last time you cleaned it? 而且细菌会从你的嘴里跑到耳朵上、跑到你的口袋里、桌子上、孩子的小手上、商店的柜台面上,那么你上次清洗手机是在什么时候?
"Come on," sneered the older girl disdainfully." You wouldn't want a snotty brat on your hands. " “过来,”稍大一些的那个女孩轻蔑地说道,“你不会稀罕一个乳臭未干的小子的。”