From those early days the business has snowballed 这个企业从早期开始就一直在迅速地发展扩大。
The investigation snowballed from there and has since led to several arrests. 从那里开始,调查范围迅速扩大,有几人已经被逮捕。
The number of signers of the petition for a new school snowballed. 要求增设新学校而签名的人像滚雪球似的越来越多。
His business has snowballed recently. 他的买卖近来像滚雪球似的,越做越大。
Barry, who lives with girlfriend Rebecca Gardner, Phoebe, and youngest daughter Chloe, one, said: 'It just snowballed from that first film. 巴里和女友丽贝卡加德纳,大女儿菲比和小女儿克洛伊住在一起,他说:自第一次拍摄后,视频就如滚雪球般出来。
You may have your doubts, but momentum has snowballed, and the movement has gathered government funding for its national tournaments. 你也许心存疑虑,但是这已是大势所趋,而且这次活动已经为它的全国锦标赛获得了政府基金。
The complaints have since snowballed to include online travel services such as Expedia, as well as large groups including Microsoft, and French and German publishers. 此后,投诉像滚雪球一样扩大,Expedia在线旅行社、微软(Microsoft)等大型集团,以及法国和德国的出版商也加入投诉谷歌的行列。
The sell-off quickly snowballed and the subsequent currency collapses and recessions exposed the poor financial health of the region's banks. 抛售潮迅速蔓延。随之而来的货币崩盘和经济衰退,暴露出该地区银行脆弱的财务状况。
With the death of several people who have touched the remains of the ancient man, the "Otzi curse" mystery has snowballed. 据说,奥茨拥有神秘的力量,若触犯了他的尸身,必死无疑。
Opposition to the war snowballed. 反战情绪急速增长。
Business was slow at first but it's really snowballed the last couple of months. 一开始有些清淡,但是近两个月来生意越来越好。
His publicity has snowballed over the past few years 近几年来他的名气像滚雪球似的越来越大
Business was slow at first but it's really snowballed the last couple of months: now you have to wait in line to get a table. 一开始,生意很清淡,但是最近几个月来生意越来越好。现在你要座位还得排队等。
After that effect was introduced, it seemed like the "liquid metal" effect snowballed and was seen in many other sci-fi films. 在此之后这种“液态金属”的特殊效果似乎如滚雪球般造成的轰动效应,不久便被其他科幻电影所徵相借鉴。
The children snowballed each other. 孩子们互相掷雪球。
As losses have snowballed, further unwinding has been triggered. 日益扩大的损失引发了进一步的平仓举动。
Over the past three years, the number of Christmas decoration manufacturers in Yiwu has snowballed from 80 to 600. 过去三年来,义乌圣诞装饰品制造商的数目已从80家猛增至600家。
Our business has snowballed this year. 今年我们的生意如滚雪球般地增加。
They were good at mobilizing the staff and finally they snowballed their businesses into big corporations. 善于调动员工的积极性和创造力,走企业集团化、规模经营之路。
Global equities were routed yesterday as concerns over the economic outlook and financial market turbulence snowballed into a broad fear-driven sell-off. 全球股市昨天全线大跌,原因在于投资者对经济前景和金融市场动荡的担心迅速演变为全面的恐慌性抛售行为。
The effect of rising prices has snowballed. 物价上涨的影响不断迅速扩大。
Human being's peace-pursuit campaign, beginning in Europe in the 16th century, had ever developed and snowballed into a worldwide one by the early 20th century. 人类追求和平的运动16世纪肇端于欧陆,历经漫长的蓄积与演进,于20世纪初形成全球规模。