到温暖地带过冬的人;(尤指美国北方或加拿大到南方过冬的)候鸟老人 a person who spends the winter in a warmer climate, especially an old person from the north of the US, or from Canada, who spends the winter in the south
To retain those valuable employees, the company has launched a "Snowbird" program that lets them work up north in the summer and in the south for the winter. 为了留住这些有价值的员工,该公司已经推出了“雪鸟”(snowbird,比喻冬季向南方迁徙,夏季向北方迁徙的北美人&译注)计划,允许他们夏季在北方工作,冬季则前往南方工作。
The snowbird sings his everyday song, and tells me that the flowers will bloom again when Spring is coming. 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。
I guess this Snowbird has their accountant pay the bills. 我猜他们有会计付账。
We'll do our best but if they use a real Snowbird and he gets caught, we won't lift a finger. we'll just tell them nothing can be clone. 万一他们雇用一个有可卡因瘾的人,而这个人被捕了,那咱们就懒得管了,只好直截了当地告诉他们:咱们无能为力。
He said Snowbird "is not a practical method of transport". 他说雪鸟“不是一种实用的交通工具”。
Mr Reichert, a PhD student at the University of Toronto, said the Snowbird "represents the completion of an age-old aeronautical dream". 理查特先生是多伦多大学的博士生,他说雪鸟“象征着一个古老的航空梦想的实现”。