The vision of reindeer may also outperform a snowmobiles lights, because the animals can see ultraviolet light. 除此之外,驯鹿的视力也远远超过雪地摩托的灯光,因为驯鹿能够看到紫外光。
Now police trying to maintain law in the region are struggling on their snowmobiles and want to use reindeer to combat crime on the bleak tundra. 当地警方觉得,在这片荒凉的苔原上,比起雪地摩托,使用驯鹿更有利于打击罪犯和维护法律。
Russian police chasing the criminals told the newspaper that their snowmobiles can break down and run out of gas – unlike reindeer. 追捕当地罪犯的俄罗斯警方表示,他们驾驶的雪地摩托有时候会故障抛锚,有时候会耗尽燃料,可驯鹿就不存在这些问题。
A ban on the recreational use of snowmobiles was being phased in until the Bush administration canceled it. 禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的禁令也在逐步实施,直到布什政府将其取消为止。
In December the courts sided with the plaintiffs, reinstituting the plan for a park without recreational snowmobiles. 2003年12月法院支持了原告的起诉,恢复在国家公园内禁用娱乐性摩托雪橇的计划。
Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws. 从雪橇上下来准备进行夏季捕猎时,因纽特人发现他们回家的路已经被解冻的土地形成的泥浆海洋所阻隔。
Snowmobiles may use this road. 此路允许通行雪地车。
Manufacturers of power equipment, motorcycles, snowmobiles and outboard motor, permit the use of ethanol blends in their products. 动力设备、摩托车、慢速移动工具以及外置马达的生产商们允许在他们的生产产品中使用混合乙醇燃料。
True, today's snowmobiles aren't so loud or polluting as they used to be, but they're still pretty upsetting to anyone looking for communion with nature. 当然,今天的摩托雪橇已不像以往那样吵,那样污染环境了,但是对于寻找人与自然交融的人们来说,这些雪橇还是很招人烦。
A type of V-belt drive which shifts ratios in accordance with input speed and output torque has been successfully employed as the transmission for vehicles ranging from snowmobiles to compact automobile. 一种由于输入转速和输出扭矩的变化而无级变速的V带传动,已成功的在极地雪橇车和小型汽车的变速器中得到了应用。