The relation between switching current overvoltage and parameters of snubber components is founded according to mathematics modeling. 通过数学建模,找出换流尖峰电压与换流缓冲器保护元件参数之间的关系。
The use of the snubber CIRCUIT is usually recommended for unity gain configurations. 单位增益配置时通常推荐使用缓冲器电路。
The clamping snubber circuit was set to the rated breakdown voltage of the MOSFET ( 600 V and800 V respectively). 钳位缓冲电路被设定在场效应晶体管的额定击穿电压上(分别为600伏特和800伏特)。
Repulsion start induction motor Design of snubber circuit's parameters in thyristor driven induction machine system based on steady state optimization 推斥启动式感应电动机基于静态优化的晶闸管驱动感应电机系统缓冲电路参数设计
The model for general snubber circuits is presented by means of analyzing the snubber circuit of a chopper. 通过对斩波器中缓冲电路工作过程的分析,提出了一般缓冲电路的模型。
An introduction to a type of lossless snubber circuit applicable to flyback converter was given, and its working principles were analyzed. 介绍了一种反激式变换器零电压关断缓冲电路,同时分析了其工作原理。
Improved Design and Simulation of Snubber Circuits for IGBT Inverters 对IGBT逆变器吸收电路的改进与仿真
This paper introduces the circuit topology of portable inverter arc welder with soft snubber, mainly power circuit is a double switch forward converter with assistant resonant circuit. 主电路采用具有无源辅助谐振网络的双管正激变换器,与普通双管正激变换器相比,功率管开关状态得到较好的改善,同时并没有增加电路的复杂性。
Use in IGBT Snubber to absorb high voltage and curren. 模块吸收高频尖峰电压、电流。
A novel passive snubber energy recovery configuration for high power inverter is proposed and analyzed in detail. 本文研究高功率、高频逆变桥开通缓冲电路中的能量回馈电路。
Snubber Design for Breakdown Protection of Neutral Beam Injector of EAST EAST中性束注入器打火保护的缓冲器设计
Design of RC snubber for main circuit of CO_2 arc welding power source CO2弧焊电源主电路中RC缓冲电路设计
An engineering-oriented method of snubber components optimization in three-phase full-bridge rectifier is given. 以三相桥式全控整流为例,给出了寻求保护元件参数最优解的工程化方法。
Mathematical analysis, Pspice simulation and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed snubber scheme. 电路解析分析、仿真波形及实验结果也同文给出。
Firstly, the summarize of the development and actuality of flyback converter is given, and different snubber circuits applied in the flyback converter are analyzed and compared. 首先,对反激变换器的发展与现状做了全面的概述,比较了反激变换器各种缓冲电路的优缺点。
Push-Pull Bi-Directional Current Mode High-Frequency Link Inverter and Its Soft Snubber Technique; basement-cored nappe 推挽式双向电流源型高频链逆变器及其软缓冲技术以基底为核部的推覆体
Results of theoretical analysis, circuit simulation and experiments are given to illustrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed snubber circuit. 通过理论分析、电路仿真和实验,证明了该新型吸收电路的有效性和适用性。
A low loss passive snubber is developed for the PWM push-pull Voltage Source Inverter ( VSI). 提出并实现了一种推挽式PWM电压型逆变器用无源吸收电路;
The circuit of ZVT PWM DC/ DC converters with snubber capacitor is studied. 研究了带吸收电容的零电压转换PWMDC/DC变换器电路。
The principles of uni-polar SPWM generator, double-differential-gate-drive circuit and loss-less snubber are presented. 文中还介绍了单极性SPWM发生器、双微分门极驱动电路和无损耗缓冲吸收电路的工作原理。
The performance of thyristors and the parame-ters of snubber circuit can significantly affect the voltage distribution in converter valves. 晶闸管器件性能和缓冲电路参数会影响换流阀内电压分布特性。
Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed snubber circuit is very effective for large capacity two level GTO inverters. 给出的关断试验结果证明了抑制过电压措施的必要性及正确性,并证明了所设计的吸收电路完全满足大功率两电平GTO逆变器装置的使用要求。
This paper introduces the design principle of the snubber circuit and the main types in pulse width modulation of D. 介绍了基于直流脉宽调速系统缓冲器的设计原理和主要类型。
The author analyses a GTO snubber circuit in detail, which is especially suitable to the GTO inverter circuits. The basic design method and calculation formulas are also given in this paper. 分析了一种GTO缓冲吸收电路的工作原理,并给出了电路参数设计的基本方法和计算公式,这种电路特别适合于逆变电路中GTO的缓冲保护。
The operation process of the snubber and the optimization of the resonance parameters are analyzed in detail. 详细分析了该缓冲电路的各个工作模态,并对谐振元件参数作了优化设计。
Comparing with different design proposal, the core snubber is assembled on the high voltage side. 在对其不同的设计方案进行分析和比较后,确定缓冲器安装在高压端。
The hardware includes main circuit; output voltage feedback circuit; driving and snubber circuit. 系统硬件部分主要包括主电路,输出电压的反馈电路,以及驱动电路和缓冲电路。
This method for high-power RC snubber design has a certain significance. 此方法对于大功率RC阻容缓冲器设计具有一定的指导意义。
Lossless snubber soft switching DC-DC converter designed reduces the switching loss and improves the work efficiency and improves the working environment of the switch. 无损缓冲软开关直流变换器的设计减少了开关损耗,提高了工作效率,改善了开关的工作环境。
The snubber circuit of the power devices and cooling circuit are designed. 并对功率器件的吸收电路和散热进行了设计。