Besides potential buddies in the same grade, these online socialites are eager to get to know college seniors. 除了可能成为好友的同年级同学外,这些网络社交达人们也很渴望结识大学学长们。
Their ranks include CEOs, socialites and governors, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Bloomberg. 组织中有首席执行官、社会名流、州长阿诺德施瓦辛格和迈克尔布隆伯格等。
So the revelation that a couple of aspiring socialites were able to talk their way into the state reception for India's prime minister last week, left officials scrambling for answers. 然而,有这么一个真实的情况:有一对当地社区的夫妇在上周走进了正进行宴请印度总理的国宴,使得白宫官员为此难辞其咎。
Socialites carry their mini-breeds, while the poor have to keep their canine friends tied to a shopping cart. 社会精英抱着他们的袖珍小狗,穷人则把狗拴在购物车上。
Around 470 European royals, top New York socialites and celebrities were in attendance. 约470位欧洲皇室成员、纽约各界名流出席了结婚庆典。
Sophisticated young socialites; a sophisticated audience; a sophisticated lifestyle; a sophisticated book. 老练的社交名流;老于世故的观众;世故的生活方式;意义深奥的书。
When he died less than six years later, she moved on unshackled to become one of New York's most beloved philanthropists and socialites. 在她丈夫过世不到六年时,她不费吹灰之力地成为纽约最受欢迎的慈善家和社交名流。
At Martin's home Bethune and Frances met other eminent doctors and socialites. 在马丁家里,白求恩和弗朗西丝会见了其它名医和社会名流。
He is a favorite of international socialites and royalty. 他是国际名流和皇室的座上宾。
It's for kids, hipsters, fashionistas, socialites, no specific, our target aims across the spectrum. 有孩子,赶时髦的人,社会人士,没有特定,目标人群范围很广。
Her clientele, young actresses such as Michelle Trachtenberg and socialites who once favoured the NY-London circuit and now favour the NY-London-Shanghai route, have to pack light. 她的客户包括米歇尔•特拉亨伯格(MichelleTrachtenberg)等年轻演员和曾经青睐纽约-伦敦线路、如今却更喜欢纽约-伦敦-上海线路的社会名流,他们必须轻装简行。
Since the new occupation-"human resources" came into China, it had been rapidly heightened in China and turned into one of the occupational choice of general college students and socialites. 人力资源这一新兴职业进入中国后,便在中国迅速升温并成为在校大学生和社会人士的未来职业选择之一。